Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


USA: Resolution Against New Iraq War Passes House in Landslide

Published on Friday, July 25, 2014 on CommonDreams, by Sarah Lazare. Peace campaigners say passage is important step in effort to stop immediate threat of US escalation in Iraq. The House on Friday overwhelmingly passed a symbolic resolution that calls for the executive branch to attain explicit approval from Congress before deploying troops to Iraq […]

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Selective Treatment for IDPs in Kurdistan!

ERBIL, 16 July 2014 (IRIN)  Concern is growing over how the semi-autonomous government of Iraqi Kurdistan is managing its borders amid reports that vulnerable families seeking refuge are being refused entry or forced into transit camps along ethnic lines. In the days after militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), seized […]

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Iraqi Pm’s Talk of Majority Govt Will Come to Nothing – And It’s His Own Fault!

Niqash | Baghdad  The Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, has been talking about the need for a majority government because consensus politics makes getting things done impossible. But thanks to his past behaviour – where he has sidelined Parliament, effectively making any opposition powerless – he may have fallen into a trap of his own […]

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One in Four Women in Central and Southern Iraq is Affected by Female Genital Mutilation, New Study Suggests!

Source: wadi-online A first independent study on female genital mutilation in central/southern Iraq finds that 25% of the women in these regions were subjected to this practice. The study was conducted in early 2014 in cooperation between physicians, women’s rights and civil society organizations. The researchers’ identities remain undisclosed due to securitiy concerns. 500 women in […]

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Water and its Infrastructure are not Weapons of War, Protect Civilians’ Right to Water in Iraq

Save the Tigris and Iraqi Marshes Campaign Tuesday 15 July 2014   The Save the Tigris and Iraqi Marshes Campaign is concerned that parties involved in the current conflict in Iraq and Syria might resort to using water and its infrastructure as a weapon of war. Over the past weeks, several news stories have reported […]

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Iraq: Evidence of spiralling sectarian killings and abductions

Amnesty International – after spreading evidence of extrajudicial executions of detainees by government forces and Shi’a militias in the Iraqi cities of Tal ‘Afar, Mosul and Ba’quba, confirmed and expanded by a report of Human Rights Watch on mass murder of Sunni prisoners – published a new alarming report on sectarian killings and abductions by […]

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The Iraqi Civil Initiative is Launched by 90 Civil Society Organizations!

 11 July, 2014 In the face of the vicious terrorist onslaught against our country, and the inability of the ruling political blocs to fulfill the constitutional obligations in the aftermath of the recent elections, ninety civil society organizations have signed this declaration to launch the Civil Initiative under the slogan: “Achieving Civil and Societal Peace […]

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The Unity of Water!

MOSCOW – Project Syndicate In May, Vietnam became the 35th and decisive signatory of the 1997 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses. As a result, 90 days later, on August 17, the convention will enter into force. The fact that it took almost 50 years to draft and finally achieve the […]

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A Call from The Iraqi Social Forum to Civil Society Groups and Social Movements Inside and Outside Iraq for Positive and Constructive Social Action

The National Committee of the Iraqi Social Forum Baghdad 09/07/2014 Our country, Iraq, is suffering under the weight of a merciless attack which threatens our territorial integrity, seeds discord between the various sects of the Iraqi people, which cares not a bit for the safety of the people, and which shows a complete and utter […]

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Iraq’s Assyrian Christians Fear ISIS Threat to Heritage!

Mohammed A. Salih – Almonitor ALQOSH, Iraq — When militants led by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) — now known as the Islamic State — stormed Iraq’s second-largest city, Mosul, on June 10, Um Hanna and her extended seven-member family hastily rushed toward the safer town of Alqosh, 50 kilometers (31 miles) to the north. In Alqosh, […]

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ISIS, oil and war!

DW – Iraq ISIS militants are selling oil from their conquered territories, further fueling tensions in the region. This has caused uncertainty on the world market, but could also lead to a drop in global oil prices. First al-Omar and now al-Tanak: The extremist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has been making […]

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Iraq: New Guidelines Silence Media

Emergency Decree Also Puts Pressure on Critical Reporting JULY 3, 2014 – Human Rights Watch (Baghdad) – Iraq’s new media guidelines are so vague as to be wide open to abuse. The guidelines unjustifiably restrict freedom of the press, including by requiring pro-governmental coverage. The government-run Communications and Media Commission (CMC) issued the “mandatory” guidelines on June 18, […]

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