Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Iraqi Women Network: Renewed Demands for Legitimate Rights of Women in New Government and Presidencies of Parliamentary Committees!

Baghdad, 15 September, 2014 Iraqi Women Network, in its regular meeting held on 11/09/2014, renewed their claims to grant the legitimate rights of Iraqi women in decision-making positions, as the attendees expressed their resentment following the announcement of the new government which included only one woman a minister as and 22 male ministers and three […]

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Call for International Participants to Attend The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative Conference – Oslo, Norway, 27-29 October 2014

Iraqi and international members of the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative and the Iraqi Social Forum have been working over the last several months to organize an international conference concerning civil society in Iraq. Following an invitation by the Norway Social Forum to take part in their bi-annual event, and in partnership and with support […]

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After Cutting Off their Water .. People of Balad Ruz Constitute A Regiment for the Liberation of Al-Sidoor Dam from (Daaesh)!

Al-Mada Press – Diyala The Board of Diyala province, announced on Sunday, providing funds to hire tankers to transport potable water to the residents of the district of Baladruz due to the closing the gates of water by the elements of (Daaesh), stressing that (Daaesh) are fighting in a new war called (water war) to […]

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ISIS Threatening to Execute Iraqi Journalists!

Source: Reporters Without Borders  Reporters Without Borders expresses grave concern over the fate of Raad Mohamed Al-Azaoui, an Iraqi journalist taken prisoner by ISIS on 7 September and threatened with beheading. The Islamic State offensive in Iraq that began last June, shows journalists more unprotected than ever in the face of mounting danger. “The Islamic […]

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Female Parliamentarians argue for active participation of women in the new government!

Qurtas News / Baghdad A group of female parliamentarians argued on Thursday, the political blocs’ leaders to grant women the electoral maturity and their representation in all positions and committees for the next stage in accordance with the Iraqi Constitution. The MP Rehab Alabboudh, said at a press conference held in the parliament building, with […]

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Assessing Iraq’s New Government: looking for concrete solutions and realistic alternatives to the sectarian regime

ICSSI: Ismaeel Dawood September 10th 2014   Given the recent positive security and political developments, Iraqi’s are at last feeling some hope. For the first time since the crisis in Mosul in June 2014 (at which point Daaesh controlled about one third of the Iraqi territory) the Iraqi army, together with Peshmerga and tribal fighters, […]

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Underage and Trapped: Female Iraqi Factory Workers Need Help

Al- Monitor: Wassim Bassem BABIL, Iraq — Shayma Hassan, 16, walks 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) each day to the brick factory in Bahr al-Najaf in the city of Najaf, 161 kilometers (100 miles) south of Baghdad. Her hectic work day starts at 6 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. Along with four other women, Shayma moves […]

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Amnesty International : September 2014 The group that calls itself the Islamic State (IS) has carried out ethnic cleansing on a historic scale in northern Iraq. Amnesty International has found that the IS has systematically targeted non-Arab and non-Sunni Muslim communities, killing or abducting hundreds, possibly thousands, and forcing more than 830,000 others to flee […]

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Ministries without Quotas: A campaign that calls for the end a divisive and corrupt system!

Campaign activists vow to continue campaigning and will not stop at only four ministries! Baghdad – September  2014 The Ministries Without Quotas campaign held a conference on Saturday at the Hall of “Culture For All” Association, to discuss the performance of the Ministries of Education, Higher Education, Culture, and Youth and Sports under the current […]

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Hatred Pyramid and the Ways to Achieve Social Tolerance

Tammuz Organization for Civil Development held a seminar, with the framework of the Iraqi Social Forum activities to preserve the civil peace, under the title “Hatred Pyramid and the Ways to Achieve Social Tolerance” at the TOSD headquarter in Baghdad on Sat. 23-08-2014. The symposium witnessed a broad participation of official personalities representing the Minister […]

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Water Scarcity in Iraq: Residents of Al-Majar Al-Kabeer: “Our river is becoming a swamp of algae and waste”

Al-Madaa Press / Maysan Translated by ICSSI ِAugust  27 , 2014   Residents of the Al-Majar Al-Kabeer district in the southern province of Maysan, complained on Thursday about water scarcity and about the river that passes through the district becoming a breeding ground for algae and a repository for waste. Lack of sufficient potable, clean […]

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Veils, Gloves And Violence: New Extremist Rules See Women Disappear From Mosul’s Streets

Niqash : Nawzat Shamdeen | Mosul Mosul was always a conservative city when it came to women’s rights. However the Sunni Muslim extremists who took control of the town have made it even more difficult for females. Women must now wear facial veils and gloves and may not leave their homes unaccompanied. In one suspected […]

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