Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Civil Society, Civil Forces and the Crisis of Democracy in Iraq

Ismael Dawood The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative Paper prepared for ICSSI conference in Oslo – Norway – 2014   The political situation in Iraq has suffered from a kind of paralysis as it waits to see what will happen on the ground: after Mosul and most of the cities of Salahuddin and Anbar fell […]

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MPs Declare Recent Government Decisions “Unfair” and Against the Interests of the Public Sector, as Companies within the Industrial Sector Assert that 250 000 Workers may Risk Pay Cuts!

Al-Mada Press/ Baghdad On Thursday, company representatives from the Ministry of Industry and Minerals demanded that the parliament put pressure on the government to pay their salaries, which have been stalled for three months and to bring these ‘at risk’ companies back to a system of central funding, that is, funding by the Iraqi government. […]

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‘Ghost’ Soldiers, Funding Issues, Lack of Morale, Unity Shatter Iraqi Army!

According to the recently revealed results of a governmental investigation, practically every fifth soldier of the Iraqi armed forces existed only on paper.  Sputnik – Alexander Mosesov  As the Iraqi Armed Forces have suffered crushing defeats to the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group in 2014, the jihadists have not only captured half of Iraq’s territory, but also revealed the poor […]

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For Yazidi Women, Escaping ISIS Doesn’t Mean The Ordeal Is Over!

NPR – December 10, 2014 Barzan is a young Yazidi man, with sad blue eyes. His mother, five of his sisters and his niece are being held by the so-called Islamic State, taken when the extremist group swept through the Sinjar area of northern Iraq in August. They are seven of some 5,000 Yazidis still being […]

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Abdul-Mahdi: Now Real Work Begins for Baghdad, Erbil!

Cengiz Çandar – Al-monitor Adel Abdul-Mahdi, Iraq’s former vice president and current oil minister in Haider al-Abadi’s government, spotted me aboard a flight from Beirut to Istanbul. He was in a rush, on his way back to Baghdad after the Nov. 27 OPEC meeting in Vienna. I met up with him Dec. 1 around midnight at his hotel […]

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Stop Ilisu – Stop Destruction and Instability!

Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive Batman/Turkey Press Release – 05.12.2014 Ilisu Dam’s construction may be continued after a 4 month halt!  Stop Ilisu – stop destruction and instability! The Turkish State Hydraulic Works (DSI) has announced few days ago that after a four month break that the construction of the highly criticized Ilisu Dam and Hydroelectric […]

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Labor legislation in Iraq: between reality and the future

Wesam Chaseb Ouda Iraq’s program Manager – Baghdad, International Solidarity Center This document prepared for the ICSSI conference, Oslo , Norway – November 2014 Introduction As we speak today, the labor legislation that was valid during the era of Saddam Hussein remains in effect. No fundamental changes have occurred, other than a minor adjustment by Paul Bremer, […]

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Between the Laws Inherited from the Era of Dictatorship and Legislation Seeking to Restrict Freedom of Expression and the Press in Iraq, The Reality is Not Consistent with the Principles of Democracy

Yasser Salem Executive Director of Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq Paper prepared for the ICSSI Conference in Oslo, October 2014   Introduction Between the laws still in affect that were passed during the previous era of dictatorship (which do not take into account the principles of democracy) and the violations and attacks being carried […]

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Women Trade Unionists and Working Women in Iraq Today!

Unionists: Ilham AbdulMaaboud Majeed President of the Communications Syndicate Member of the Executive Office of the General Federation of Trade Unions working in Iraq / Basra branch Paper Prepared for ICSSI Conference in Oslo – Norway October 2014   The situation of Iraqi women in general   Iraqi women suffer dramatic injustice and persecution, both […]

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Draught, and Misuse threaten the natural and cultural heritage, and the right of access to water for the inhabitants of Mesopotamia

Nadia Al Baghdadi, A paper prepared for the ICSSI conference “”promoting dialogue and reconciliation, working for peaceful coexistence, and opportunities for international solidarity with Iraqi civil society” 27-29 Oct.2014, Oslo. On the 14th of March 2012, a petition was released all over the world, directed to The World Heritage Committee of UNESCO, to conserve the […]

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Elena Laurenti – Nadia Al-Baghdady – Taif Alwachi ASD Sport Against Violence – ICSSI Report of the SAV-BM working group – ICSSI Conference – Oslo (Norway) October/November 2014 Sport Against Violence, as an association, has been working, since 2007, in cooperation with the Iraqi civil society on sport and cultural projects. Our original idea was […]

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Protest Letter Concerning the Treatment of a Female Journalist in Suleymaniah!

To: Mr Nikolai Miladinov, UN Special Representative for Iraq and Head of the UNAMI Five major political parties of Kurdistan – PUK, KDP, Gorran, KIU, Komal   It is unacceptable that female NRT journalist Shaima Jaf was prevented from entering the meeting of the UN Special Representative for Iraq and Head of UNAMI Mr. Nikolai […]

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