Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


The Ministry of Communications Continue to Withhold Iraqi and Arab News Websites

17 Jan. 2015 – JFO Iraqi and Arab media institutions continue to suffer from blocking their websites inside Iraq, since the 10th of June 2014.Where security authorities withheld in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications about 20 news websites, but it unblocked most of the websites afterwards, except for the website of “AlBaghdadiya” channel “Al-Baghdadi […]

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KRG Authorities Detain a Journalist for One Year

2 Jan. 2015 – JFO The Journalistic Freedoms Observatory expressed its concern about the continuing detention of a journalist by KRG authorities since January 2014. As there have been no reasons given for his detention, this directly violates the terms of the Iraqi constitution, as well as international conventions. The journalist, Saif Hashim Al-Obaidi, who […]

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Al-Qushla: Iraq’s Oasis of Free Expression

Al Jazeera – Baghdad On Friday mornings, Yasser Kian and his friends leave behind the pressures of work and school and the dangers of life in Baghdad to come to a small square that has become an oasis of free expression. On a recent Friday, Kian, dressed in a suit jacket, bowtie and retro sunglasses, pretends […]

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Year in Review: Iraq is Still There in Body, But Not in Spirit!

niqash |Baghdad  The past year in Iraq is not easy to review. The assorted crises, both in security and politics, are well known around the world and for many Iraqis it’s been one long nightmare. NIQASH went to gather ordinary Iraqis’ opinions on the year gone by and ended up speaking to one local whose […]

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Coping With Success Against ISIS

James F. Jeffrey – The Washington Institute Although Washington should have no illusions about resolving the region’s wider problems, it can build on early successes against ISIS by making the commitments needed to fully defeat the group in Iraq and Syria, including a modest, enduring U.S. military presence. The battle against the “Islamic State”/ISIS has […]

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Mission Report to Iraqi Kurdistan Finds Media and Civil Society at Risk!

2014-12-31 –  gc4hr  Many see Iraqi Kurdistan, an autonomous region in Northern Iraq, as a safe haven, a place of relative calm away from the terror and chaos that exists in much of the rest of Iraq. Yet independent journalists and human rights defenders are at risk, says a mission report by the Gulf Centre for Human […]

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Iraq: Dire Winter Conditions Expose Shocking Gaps in Humanitarian Assistance for Thousands Displaced

Source: Amnesty A lack of coordination and major gaps in humanitarian assistance is causing untold hardship for many of the 900,000 people displaced by the conflict in Iraq who are sheltering in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), said Amnesty International. Delegates from the organization who have just returned from a visit to the KRI […]

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A Brutal “Torture Report,” but No Accountability!

Source: Truthout The long-awaited “torture report” released today by the Senate Intelligence Committee on the CIA’s top secret, post-9/11 torture program is certainly brutal, and the Obama administration does not deny that. The administration is, however, refusing to hold anyone publicly accountable. Yes, it’s brutal. Some detainees were placed in “ice water baths” and at […]

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STOP TORTURE: Accountability: YES – Impunity: NO!

Source: brussellstribunal This petition will be delivered to:  US Government – International Criminal Court – President of the UN General Assembly – President of the Human Rights Council – European Court of Justice  You can sign the petition here Petition initiated by two former UN Assistant Secretaries-General, UN Humanitarian Coordinators for Iraq: Hans von Sponeck and […]

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Iraqis Wage New Battle for Freedoms!

Shukur Khilkhal – Al-monitor The battle over civil liberties has erupted again, after a draft law written under the government of former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on freedom of expression, assembly and peaceful protest was returned to parliament in October. This draft law was presented to the previous parliament in October 2012, but it did […]

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A New Northern Frontline Where Iraq’s Kurds and Shiites are Facing Off!

niqash | Sulaymaniyah  In Iraq’s northern disputed territories, minor skirmishes, rumours of looting, arson and speculation about political power plays have locals frightened of a new front line near Iraqi Kurdistan. It has nothing to do with extremists, rather it’s about the Iraqi Kurdish military and the increasingly troublesome and lawless Shiite Muslim militias.   […]

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Final Declaration of the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative Conference Oslo, Norway, 27-29 October 2014

For three days, a group of Iraqi and international civil society activists met in the Norwegian city of Oslo to discuss the current crisis in Iraq. They came together to build international solidarity with civil society in Iraq in order to promote the far-reaching political and social reforms that are essential to confronting the root […]

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