Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


PAX Iraq Alert: Post-ISIS peacebuilding strategy needed now

Dutch peace organisation PAX is highly concerned that there is no peacebuilding strategy to complement military operations combating ISIS. The US-led coalition against ISIS (the coalition) supports the Iraqi Army and the Kurdish Peshmerga by bombarding ISIS positions, but if the coalition wants the re-conquest of Mosul province to be a step towards a more […]

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Marriage Mosul-Style: Love in the Time of the “Caliphate”!

niqash | Khales Joumah | Mosul  Despite restrictions of life under extremist rule and an uncertain future, locals in Mosul are still getting married. In fact, rumour has it that even the leader of Daesh (the Islamic State group) recently joined them in matrimonial bliss. It has been almost ten months to the day since […]

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Lies and Crazy Rumours: What Iraqis Believe About the USA

niqash | Mustafa Habib | Baghdad Iraq’s security crisis has caused local media to take sides more than ever. Amid the misinformation are conspiracy theories about how the US is secretly on the extremists’ side. Problem is, a lot of Iraqis believe the stories. In the battles for hearts and minds playing out in the […]

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Digital Security Training

In the program planned to resume trainings on digital safety and security for the protection of software, information and data of your organizations, stored in your computers. We are pleased to inform you that the National Association of Human Rights Defense in Iraq will train some members or activists of your organization in collaboration with […]

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Ilisu Dam Protest Close to The Dam Site!

Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive Batman / Turkey – 29.03.2015 Today more than 500 people have protested the destructive Ilisu Dam project in the town of Dargecit. The demonstrators aimed at protesting at the dam site, but were prevented by the police. The protestors came from different dam affected provinces in order to protest the […]

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GFWUI Meeting with Women Affairs Office

On Saturday, 28th of March, The General Federation of Workers’ Unions in Iraq conducted a meeting at its headquarters with the presence of the President of the GFWUI and Women general office and a number of union leaders, the meeting addressed the evaluation of the meeting with the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs and […]

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Solidarity Message from the Prime Minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras to the World Social Forum

Dear friends and comrades, Fourteen years ago, at the beginning of the new millennium, the World Social Forum came to the fore as the response of the people to the globalization of the markets. It was deliberately meant as versatile meeting of movements, trade unions and associations from around the world, looking for progressive solutions […]

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How much longer can the water crisis be neglected?

Updating the Save Tigris and the Iraqi Marshes Campaign- March 2015 The water crisis in the Middle East region is aggravating, turning from a shortage of water resources and chronic mismanagement into a complex crisis, due to the ongoing conflict in Iraq and Syria. Terrorist organization Daesh has used water as a weapon of war […]

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College of Education for Girls in Baghdad Protest against the Transfer of 19 Qualified Male Professors, while Security Forces Prevent Media Coverage

Al-Mada Press/ Baghdad On Sunday, dozens of students in the College of Education for Girls in the capital Baghdad protested against the transfer of 19 professors from their college without finding alternative instructors of the same competence. The Dean of the college threatened to stop students from entering the college in the event that demonstrations […]

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More Travel Restrictions: Extremists Hold Civilians ‘Hostage’ in Mosul

niqash | Mosul  The Islamic State group recently re-issued rules about who could and could not leave the city they control, Mosul. Fearing that they will be used as human shields by the extremists, many people have tried to leave, using fake medical certificates and the services of people smugglers. However the new rules are […]

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Employees of Foreign Oil Companies in Basrah Accuse Owners of Exclusive Decision-Making Procedures which Undermine Obligations towards Workers

Al-Mada Press – Basrah On Tuesday, workers and trade unionists in Basra accused foreign oil companies operating in the governorate (590 km south of Baghdad), of “exclusivity” in making financial and technical decisions, many of  which serve to negate their duties to support the rights of Iraqi workers.  This led to a demand on the […]

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Industrialists in Sulaymaniyah Hold Iran and Turkey Responsible for Work Stoppage in the City’s Factories

Al-Mada Press / Sulaymaniyah  On Tuesday, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the province of Sulaymaniyah accused Iran and Turkey of flooding the local market with their products with the aim of keeping Iraq in the position of a “consumer” country. This led to the halt of work in 90% of the province’s factories. […]

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