Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Announcing the Iraqi Social Forum 2015. Join us in Baghdad!

Iraqi Social Forum on Coexistence and Civil Peace. Baghdad, 1-3 October 2015. As Iraq experiences escalating violence that has resulted in at least 15,000 civilians killed and 30,000 injured since January 2014, the Iraqi Social Forum has consistently viewed the bloodshed as the result of long years of dictatorship and military coups, then years of […]

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Videos on demonstrations in Baghdad

ICSSI – Baghdad, August 14, 2015 Iraqi people are demonstrating this evening against corruption in Baghdad, even if a truck bomb exploded yesterday in a busy marker killing at least 67 people and wounding 200. Many other Iraqis are taking the streets in several Iraqi cities, in spite of the reforms already approved by the […]

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Iraqi Social Forum: Victory of anti-corruption protests in Iraq

By the Iraqi Social Forum Secretariat. Baghdad – August 11, 2015. The Iraqi Council of Representatives unanimously voted today on a paper of reforms to combat corruption and government waste, that was approved by the Council of Ministers in an extraordinary session held last Sunday. This is a result of the public pressure produced in […]

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Reading for the Law of Protecting Minorties in Kurdistan Region – Iraq

Erbil – August 2015 Minorities rights is considered as one of the critical issues in Kurdistan region and the region in general, where the debate is about the extent of political representation, and how to contribute to public life and to manage the region.And more recently, specifically in May 2015, Kurdistan Parliament issued a law […]

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Iraqis protest over Baghdad heatwave power cuts

BBC – Middle East  Hundreds of Iraqi protesters have taken to the streets of Baghdad to protest against power shortages as the country experiences a heatwave. They blamed government corruption for a lack of investment in infrastructure. On Thursday, the government declared a four-day public holiday after temperatures broke 50C (122F), with appeals for people […]

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After ISIS: Perspectives of Displaced Communities from Ninewa on Return to Iraq’s Disputed Territory

A Report by the Dutch Organization PAX published in June 2015. Executive Summary  Recently, military developments and international involvement have resulted in ISIS retreating from some areas previously under its control in Iraq. As these areas become accessible again, IDP communities struggle to return while the potential for renewed conflict remains alarmingly high. In order to understand current […]

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Azidi Solidarity and Fraternity League Launches its New Website and Improves Its Digital Security

ICSSI July 2015 “The league is no longer worried about its electronic archives, and we are now much batter able to communicate with our followers” This sentence summarizes the extent of the benefits realized from the emergency grant obtained by the the Azidi Solidarity and Fraternity League (ASFL), an Iraqi non-governmental organization. The ASFL relaunched […]

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Halabja group launches ‘Summer of Peace’

By Osamah Golpy – Rudaw HALABJA, Halabja province – A new peace organization in Halabja is overcoming linguistic differences to promote tolerance and cultural exchange between local residents and the refugee communities that have flooded the area. The NWE, or “New” in Kurdish, organization, which advocates for human rights and the environment, recently launched the […]

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Is Maliki making a comeback?

Ali Mamouri Al-Monitor While serving his second term as prime minister in February 2011, former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki told AFP he did not aspire to serve a third term. He averred that “the premier who has a program, and is efficient, does not need more than eight years to effectively implement it. If this […]

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Civilians Flee Extremist Rule in Hawija, Dodging Checkpoints And Frontlines

Shalaw Mohammed As extremists rule harshly and coalition airstrikes hit, there’s a mass exodus of civilians out of Hawija. And one of the ways they are getting out is with people smugglers on the “death road”. A few days ago Mahmoud Fathallah arrived with his family and another ten people in the northern city of […]

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Will Iraq find political allies against Ilisu Dam in Turkey?

By Toon Bijnens, Save the Tigris and Iraqi Marshes Campaign/ICSSI   Although the construction of Ilisu Dam is nearing its completion, the situation for the residents in the town of Hasankeyf – set to be flooded once the dam is in operation – is as unclear as ever. Recently, a protest rally took place in […]

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Alternatives to War: Eight Things the US Should do Regarding Daesh

By Phyllis Bennis (IPS), 17 March 2015. When it comes to dealing with US policy towards ISIS, there are two critical understandings. One requires rejecting George W. Bush’s post-9/11 claim that the only choice was “we either go to war, or we let ‘em get away with it.” That was not the only choice for […]

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