Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


A New Statement Emerges From Iraqi Protestors: We Will Continue Until We Achieve Our Legitimate Demands

It has been six weeks since the peaceful demonstrations in Baghdad and the Iraqi provinces began, and there has yet to be a real response from the Iraqi government, to the legitimate calls from the demonstrators to reform the political system, to hold corrupt officials accountable, and to deliver necessary services to Iraqi people. The […]

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Shadow Report on the Ilisu Dam’s Impacts on Human Rights in Iraq, and the Iraqi Government’s Failure to Act – Geneva Meeting

The Save the Tigris River and Iraqi Marshes Campaign prepared a shadow report covering the water situation in Iraq as part of the reviewing process of Iraq’s compliance with the International Covenant on Economic and Social Rights. The title of the shadow report is “The Ilisu dam and its impact on human rights in Iraq: […]

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Peace and Freedom Organization in Kurdistan Issues Reports and Recommendations Concerning Minority Youth

Erbil – Iraq / September 2015 New reports shed light on the lives of ethnic and religious minority youths in Iraq.    Minorities in Iraq, generally, and their young people, in particular, live under dangerous conditions. They face exclusion, discrimination, and unemployment. After the fall of Mosul, minorities and above all minority youth faced killing, […]

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Kurdistan’s Politicized Society Confronts a Sultanistic System

  By Kawa Hassan, Visiting Scholar, Middle-East Center August 18, 2015 Source: Carnegie Middle East Center The Kurdistan region of Iraq enjoys more stability, economic development, and political pluralism than the rest of the country. And public opinion under the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) demands rule-of-law-based governance. But power is concentrated in the hands of […]

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Iraqis protest Corruption, Lack of Services while Politicians Blame Everyone but Themselves!

Al Monitor – Ali Maamouri The July 16 killing of Muntazar al-Hilfi by police in al-Madina, north of Basra, during a protest for improved services was redolent of the death of Tunisian Mohamed Bouazizi on Jan. 4, 2011, which sparked the Arab Spring revolutions. Hilfi’s killing led to a series of massive protests throughout the central […]

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Study Shows that Despite Trauma, Journalists in Iraq Dedicated to Profession

Source: University of Kansas During the war in Iraq, journalists from around the world flocked to the country, covering violent events from the battlefield to the halls of political power. But they eventually got to go home. Thousands of journalists still work in Iraq, and though the war is officially over, they still cover violent […]

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Registration Form for Internationals – Iraqi Social Forum 2015

If you are considering the possibility to come to Baghdad for the Iraqi Social Forum on 1-3 October 2015 please submit this application form as soon as possible in order to receive an invitation letter from the ISF organizing committee. Then proceed immediately to request your visa at the Iraqi embassy in your country. A […]

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Call for solidarity with Iraqi demonstrations

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative, August 28, 2015. Thousands of Iraqi people will take the streets of their cities today, as they do every Friday since end of July, in massive popular demonstrations that denounce corruption in the country and the political bankruptcy of the ruling sectarian political parties. In spite of the approval […]

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Reflections on the Long-Awaited Victory of a Just Iraqi Labor Law

Interview by ICSSI to Wesam Chaseb Ouda (Solidarity Centre) – Baghdad, August 26, 2015 Why do you think this law was finally passed now? There are many reasons. First of all there were no objections or new comments from any party (from members of the government, workers, or employers) about this law because of the […]

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ICSSI Congratulates The workers of Iraq on The Historic Victory in Winning Their rights and The Passage of a New Labor Law

Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) – 27 August 2015 The Iraqi Council of Representatives approved at its fourteenth session held on Monday 17 August 2015, in the presence of 271 deputies, a new labor law. This law, long-awaited by the workers, represents a national victory, which comes after decades of struggle by the Iraqi […]

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Iraq: Conflict Alert

By International Crisis Group, Baghdad/Brussels, 24 August 2015. A wave of protests has brought Iraq to the edge of yet more serious conflict. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has introduced sweeping reforms to halt the deterioration but in a manner that may make things worse. An important course correction is needed if he is to survive […]

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Will Abadi’s Reforms Work?

Mustafa Al-kadhimi – Almonitor The Iraqi parliament voted Aug. 11 to approve Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and parliament Speaker Salim al-Jabouri’s economic, political and administrative reform measures in response to the demands of the Iraqi street. These measures include doing away with the positions of vice president of the republic and deputy prime minister, ending special allocations for the […]

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