Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Iraq’s Water Resources are Not for Sale

Dr Hassan Al-Janaby   Recently a post was published on Facebook by Dr. Hasan-Al-Janaby, an Iraqi academic and expert on water issues, in which he expresses his view of Iraq’s relationship with Turkey over the region’s water resources, and the dangers posed by Ilisu and other large dams: The post was written in response to […]

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Symbolism of the White Envelope Containing the Technocratic Cabinet of Ministers

Faris Kamal Nazmi, April 19, 2016. A primary reading for what happened in the Iraqi parliament. The manner of speaking and physical appearance of the prime minister, in his  speech before the parliament, suggested that he was the director of a bankrupt company, tired and desperate, trying to prove his own innocence to those investors […]

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“Protectors of the Tigris River” celebrate the International Day of Action for Rivers in Baghdad

By ICSSI Baghdad, April 2016. “We depend on our water and our land. Our land is useless without water. Our environment thrives thanks to water. However, because of droughts we have low water levels in certain seasons, and then it seems all life has left. People leave the countryside and migrate to the city. We […]

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Iraqi Youth Use Sport as a Community Tool Against Violence

ICSSI Baghdad – April  2016 Sport Against Violence and ICSSI have been working with the Iraqi Social Forum to support Iraqi youth who want to build peace through sports. They held a three-day workshop in Baghdad about using sport as a community tool against violence with the participation of 24 young trainees, boys and girls […]

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Shahrazad Campaign Advocates against the Harassment Phenomenon in Kurdistan Region

Al-Mesalla Organization in Erbil – Iraqi Kurdistan, April 2016 Advocacy Meeting With Baharka Camp Management Activists of the Shahrazad Campaign in the last months registered cases of harassment in several camps in Kurdistan Region for internally displaced people (IDPs), and the local NGO Al-Mesalla decided to organize several meetings with other NGOs to discuss how […]

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The Employees of the Oil Sector in Basra Demand for a Professional and Independent Minister, and Criticize the Licensing Rounds

Basra – 6 April 2016 The oil sector employees in Basra called on Mr. Haider Al-Abadi, the Iraqi prime minister, to select a professional and independent Minister to be assigned for the ministry of Oil, and the Employees Committee of the South Oil issued a statement in this regard, stating: “The employees of the oil […]

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Speaker Of Iraqi Kurdish Parliament: ‘If Barzani Stepped Down Now, He Would Be A Model President’

Honar Hama Rasheed – Niqash The banned Speaker of the Iraqi Kurdish Parliament, Yusuf Mohammed, caused a storm at an elite political forum recently by implying senior Kurdish politicians were too stupid to rule. He told NIQASH why. The big drama at the recent Sulaymaniyah Forum, an annual conference organised by the American University in […]

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The Suffering of the Iraqi Women under “Daash” and Restrictions on Displaced Women by the Kurdistan Regional Authorities

Human Rights Watch For Sunnis, Lives Curtailed; for Yezidis, New Accounts of Brutal Rapes (Beirut) – The extremist armed group Daesh should urgently release Yezidi women and girls they abducted in 2014, Human Rights Watch said today, following new research with recent escapees who were raped and traded between members before they fled. Daesh also routinely imposes […]

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Abnormal Number of Orphans Among IDPs in Dohuk, and Importance of Foster Family System

Bewar A. Saido Since the fall of Talafar, Sinjar and Mosel, families fleeing the fighting have lived in the area around Dohuk  temporary structures, unfinished buildings and Tent camps . Many of children lost their father and mothers according statistic data  of Dohuk directorate of social care 617 orphan children are living in Shekhan ,Khanke […]

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Does Obama Have This Right?

Thomas L. Friedman – Sulaimaniya, Iraq The New York Times As one could see from President Obama’s recent interview in The Atlantic, he pretty much hates all the Middle East’s leaders including those of Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Iran and the Palestinians. Obama’s primary goal seems to be to get out of […]

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Ecological Collapse Circumscribes Traditional Women’s Work in Iraq’s Mesopotamian Marshes

Eurek Alert As the land at the heart of the cradle of civilization dries out, an ancient culture is being lost with the unique ecosystem that sustains it For thousands of years, the marshes at the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern day Iraq were an oasis of green in a dry […]

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After Daesh: Perspectives of Displaced Communities from Ninewa on Return to Iraq’s Disputed Territory

PAX for Peace, a report of June 2015. Recently, military developments and international involvement have resulted in Daesh retreating from some areas previously under its control in Iraq. As these areas become accessible again, IDP communities struggle to return while the potential for renewed conflict remains alarmingly high. In order to understand current conflict dynamics and prepare […]

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