Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Signs of Violence to Come: Iraq’s Yazidis Return Home to Face Cruel Economic Blockade

Mosul – Niqash Many of the Yazidis who were so brutalised by the extremist Daesh group have returned home – but now they are threatened by an economic siege caused by political infighting. It has been eight months since the extremist group known as the Daesh was pushed out of Sinjar in northern Iraq. The area had […]

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London hosts academic conference on Iraq’s water resources

Concern mounts about the future of Iraq’s water resources, and in an important development Iraqi President Fouad Masoum warned about the deteriorating situation. It is important for Iraq to raise its voice in regional and international fora to fight for its legitimate rights to sufficient shares of water, especially with regards to rivers shared with […]

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Mega water projects and the environmental crisis in the Iraqi Marshes: a publication by A Sud

Beyond the rhetoric of “waves” as used by the media in their narrative of migration flows to Europe lies a different and more complex reality, a reality beyond wars, extreme poverty and political persecution. The UNHCR 2014-2015 data estimates the number of refugees in the world between 14 and 15 million. There are, however, forced […]

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Civilians Fleeing Fallujah “Facing Double Jeopardy”

GENEVA – OHCHR UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein on Tuesday urged the Iraqi Government to take immediate measures to ensure that all people fleeing the Daesh-occupied city of Fallujah are treated in strict accordance with international human rights and international humanitarian laws. “There are extremely distressing, credible reports that some […]

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Privatising Security Must not Lower Standards of Protection and Accountability – UN Rights Expert

  GENEVA  – OHCHR The United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Christof Heyns, today has called for greater scrutiny and accountability of the use of force by private security providers in law enforcement activities. “The unregulated or improper use of force by private security providers can severely jeopardize the protection of […]

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Iraqi Media Focuses on the Misfortunes of Minorities and Contributes to their Emigration

Ahmed Mohammad – Iraqi Media House An Iraqi Christian cleric declared that the Iraqi media focuses on minority issues mostly in the times of misfortunes and disasters in a very pathetic way as if they are not original Iraqis, while considered that; this drives them, whether intentionally or unintentionally, to leave the country, which constitutes […]

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Iraq Borrows $ 2.7 Billion from the United States

Source: Almaalomah The US embassy in Baghdad revealed that Iraq has borrowed $ 2.7 billion to finance the ammunition and maintenance of fighting aircrafts, tanks and other military equipment to use in the war against Daesh criminal gangs. According to a statement issued by the US Embassy and translated by “Almaalomah” Agency: “Baghdad have eight and a […]

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International Civil Society Urges WHC Member States to Vote YES for Iraqi Marshes

  Istanbul, 10 July 2016 Save the Tigris and the Iraqi Marshes Campaign At the conclusion of this year’s annual conference of World Heritage Watch in Istanbul, civil society organizations presented their list of resolutions. These have been announced in a press conference and will be submitted to the World Heritage Committee (WHC). The resolutions […]

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Iraqi youth in action to protect the Tigris River

Protecting the Tigris River of Iraq: this will be the main objective for a new group of committed youth activists from Baghdad and Southern Iraq as they developed plans to support of the Save the Tigris Campaign. During a training in Erbil from 26-27 June, they discussed together with other Iraqi as well as international […]

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No Way Home: Iraq’s Minorities on the Verge of Disappearance

By UNPO, 4 July 2016. Minority communities in Iraq are now on the verge of disappearance, says a new report by the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), Minority Rights Group International (MRG), Institute for International Law and Human Rights and No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ). Download the full report here. ‘Thirteen years of war […]

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We Call Upon the Kurdish Community to Take Urgent Action for Women’s Rights and Stand against Sexual Harassment

By Shahrazad Campaign, June 2016. Executive Summary of a research on sexual harassment in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, produced by Al-Mesalla organization for Human Resource Development within the framework of Shahrazad Campaign, in cooperation with the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative. The study has been conducted by the local researcher Dr. Shino Khaleel. Introduction […]

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Save the Tigris Campaign workshop in Erbil upcoming!

From June 26-27, the Save the Tigris Campaign will conduct a training for Iraqi youth environmental activists in Erbil. A group of around 25 activists from Baghdad and South Iraq will fly into the city and attend a two day-workshop organized by the Save the Tigris Campaign. International activists from the UK, Turkey, Netherlands – […]

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