Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


A Lesson How To Live In Peace

        Afeef Mohammed – Iraq I’m from Iraq, working in the agricultural & irrigation field, got the opportunity of leaving my country for scholarship concerned with my field in Bari – Italy. Iraq is a well known wounded and continuously bleeding country due to political, religious differences; thousands of people dead and […]

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The Iraqi Union for Freedom of Expression reviews the draft law on freedom of expression

“This report includes a copy of the draft law and the proposed amendment in Arabic” Baghdad, 10 August 2016 Iraqi civil society again faces the threat of legislation that could limit freedom of expression in Iraq. Recently a draft of a law on the freedom of expression that was discussed in the Iraqi Parliament included […]

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Baghdad activists celebrate the Iraqi Marshes’ World Heritage inscription

By Ali Alkarkhi, Baghdad In a ferry in the middle of the Tigris River in Baghdad activists of the Save the Tigris and Iraqi Marshes Campaign celebrated the inclusion of the Iraqi Marshes in the World Heritage List, on 1 August 2016. UNESCO had decided to include several natural sites (Central Marshes, East -and West […]

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Montreal CAFE’ In Baghdad 

@IraqiAlamalAssociation office in Baghdad Karad  Thursday,11th of August  h 5 pm. Baghdad time The Iraqi Social Forum organise Montreal CAFE’ In Baghdad, an event that will involve number of Baghdadi activists in a discussion about the World Social Forum process, its session in Canada and its relation to Iraqi political struggle against corruption and sectarianism. […]

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The Protection of HRDs and unionists, is The duty of the Iraqi Government

Update:  A thanking letter from the trade union: On my own and my family. and my colleagues in the General Union for workers in the oil and gas and the Committee of the employees of the South Oil workers and staff of the General Federation of Trade Unions working in Iraq. I would like to […]

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In Nasriyah, A Workshop on the Use of “Arts Against Violence” and the Birth of Mashufna Team

August 2016 In Nasiriyah, during the 5th and 6th of August, twenty two young people (Including five girls) gathered to discuss the role of the art in the face of extremism and violence. At a time when voices rise on the need to look for alternatives to war as a mean to counter violent extremism, […]

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The Invisible Force: A New Report Released by The International Institute for Nonviolent Action – NOVACT

Source: NOVACT The International Institute for Nonviolent Action – NOVACT, is pleased to introduce our new report “The Invisible Force”, a comparative analysis on the use of Military and Private Security Companies (PMSC) and its impact on human rights in Colombia, Iraq and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Thus, NOVACT reinforces and expands its analysis of the privatization […]

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“Forgotten Voices” A new Report about Minority Women in Iraq

Source: Masarat Iraq The new report of Masarat “Forgotten Voices : Minority Women in Iraq” focuas on the situation of minority women by exposing multifaceted discrimination practiced against them.  Through a multi-faceted analysis, the report has attempted to reflect the realities suffered by minority women, the provision of an information framework that could deepen debate […]

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Shahrazad Center Concludes the Second Workshop on the Protection of Women Journalists and Women Human Right Defenders (WHRDs) in Iraq

Shahrazad Center – Baghdad On the 14th of July, Shahrazad center concluded in the headquarter of the Iraqi Women Journalist Forum (IWJF) its second workshop on the protection and personal safety of women journalists and women human right defenders (WHRDs) in Iraq, with the participation of 18 female trainees from all over Iraq. The workshop, […]

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Working Women’s Rights under the New Labor Law and the Role of Media in Education and Raising Awareness

Baghdad With the participation of women leaders of three labor unions and a numbers of media women and civil activists, and as a part of Shahrazad campaign activities, the Iraqi Women Journalist Forum organized a seminar in cooperation with the Solidarity Center and the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) and the Italian Organization “Un […]

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A Great Achievement After 4 years of Campaigning: The Marshes of Iraq Inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage

Statement by the Save the Tigris and Iraqi Marshes Campaign 20 July, 2016 Congratulations to the Iraqi people and everyone involved in the preservation of the world heritage and culture of Mesopotamia, for the Iraqi Marshes have been officially named UNESCO World Heritage. Its inclusion was approved in the afternoon of the 40th session of […]

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Iraqi Marshlands named as UNESCO World Heritage Site!

UNESCO has named Iraqi marshlands as a world heritage site! The area named “is made up of seven sites: three archaeological sites and four wetland marsh areas in southern Iraq” UNESCO said. “The archaeological cities of Uruk and Ur and the Tell Eridu archaeological site form part of the remains of the Sumerian cities and […]

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