Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Call for collaboration on the implementation of UNESCO recommendations for the Iraqi Marshes!

Statement by the Save the Tigris and Iraqi Marshes Campaign September 22, 2016 Following the 3rd session of the Iraqi Social Forum in Baghdad The Save the Tigris and the Iraqi Marshes Campaign congratulates the Iraqi Government and people as well as the office of UNESCO in Iraq on the outstanding achievement of the inscription […]

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Rights and Peace: the 3rd Session of the Iraqi Social Forum on 22-24 Sept. in Baghdad

update 19th of September : now you can download the detailed program isf-program-2016 Self-organized workshops, a Baghdad Marathon for Peace, convergence assemblies (gatherings on key issues for the social forum dynamics) and open cultural and artistic activities. All of these will be included in the 3rd session of the Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) taking place on […]

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Murdered Kurdish journalist’s family appeals to international community

Reporters Without Borders Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is relaying an appeal to the international community by the family of Wedad Hussein Ali, an Iraqi Kurdish journalist who was murdered near the city of Dohuk, in Iraqi Kurdistan, on 13 August. The family is seeking an international investigation into his death. Wedad Hussein Ali, 28, died a few […]

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Activists Call for a Decrease in the Number and Age of Parliaments Members, and for the Prevention of Security Forces from Participating in Elections

ALMADA PRESS /Baghdad Civil activists are calling for modifying the age at which one can run for parliament or provincial councils to 25 years old. Activists are also demanding candidates have university degrees, and that the Sainte-Laguë method be used to count the number of voters. Activists say there must be a decrease in the […]

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Official decision of the Iraqi Marshes’ inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List

Decision: 40 COM 8B.16 The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/16/40.COM/8B, WHC/16/40.COM/INF.8B1 and 1.WHC/16/40.COM/INF.8B2, Inscribes The Ahwar of Southern Iraq: Refuge of Biodiversity and the Relict Landscape 2. of the Mesopotamian Cities, Iraq, on the World Heritage List on the basis of criteria (iii), (v), (ix) and (x); Takes note of the following provisional […]

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Promised Democracy: The Future of Iraq

LoBelog by Ryan J. Suto The current US presidential campaign debate on Middle East policy has focused disproportionately on the US response to the Islamic State (ISIS or IS). This series will focus instead on five alternative Middle East policy challenges facing the next president. This first part discusses the importance of the future of […]

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Hayder al-Khoei- war on the Rocks During a recent trip to my hometown of Najaf in southern Iraq, I stumbled across a book titled My Leader Khamenei in the personal library of a cleric studying in the Islamic seminary known as the Hawza. He had picked it up at a bookstore near the shrine of Imam Ali, where […]

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Seventeen Activist Get Together in Baghdad to Discuss and Improve their Personal Protection During their Daily Work as Defenders of Human Rights

Seventeen activist form (Basra, Arbil, Dhi Qar, Salahuddin, Maysan, Muthanna, Dohuk and Kirkuk)get together in Baghdad to discuss and  improving their personal protection during their daily work as defenders of human rights and also while using the internet during their work   Shahrazad service center dedicated to human rights defenders provided for those active women the […]

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Save Iraqi Kurdistan’s rivers from deprivation

By Toon Bijnens, Save the Tigris Campaign There is no question about the commodification of natural resources and the damage inflicted upon the environment in Iraqi Kurdistan. The exploitation of the environment is a consequence of the economic system envisioned by the ruling parties: a capitalist Kurdistan firmly entrenched in the global free market. Consider […]

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US Department of Defence Spend on Guns in ‘War on Terror’ Revealed

Source: In the 14 years following the terror attacks of 9/11, the US Department of Defence (DoD) issued contracts that, if fulfilled, would reach over $40 billion on guns and ammunition, according to research from London-based charity Action on Armed Violence (AOAV). A team of researchers at AOAV spent almost a year analysing every contract published by the DoD between September 11, […]

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Baghdad Politicians Seek Protection From Corruption Charges With Their Tribes

source:Niqash –  Mustafa Habib Tribal law and clan allegiances dominate Iraq’s social and political life. This month, in a worrying escalation, politicians accused of corruption in Parliament called upon their own tribes to protect them. At the beginning of the month, during a particularly dramatic session of the Iraqi Parliament, various senior politicians traded accusations […]

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Kurdish reporter murdered, another killed while covering fighting

  Reporters Without Borders Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns a Kurdish reporter’s brutal murder on 13 August in Dahuk, in the northeast of Iraqi Kurdistan, and a TV cameraman’s death the next day while covering fighting between Kurdish forces and Islamic State near Mosul. Widat Hussein Ali, a 28-year-old reporter for RojNews, a news agency that […]

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