Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Violence Against Minorities in Iraq, Report summary

The Iraqi organization “Masarat” and Sa’ad Salloum released a new report on minorities in Iraq. The report “Violence Against Minorities in Iraq” examines discrimination perpetrated against minorities in Iraq — including Yazidis, Mandaeans, Turkmen, Christians, Kaka’is, Baha’is, Faili Kurds, Shabak, Jews, and Iraqis of African descent. While it acknowledges the fact that minorities in Iraq have suffered […]

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Tigris Keepers workshop at the 3rd session of the Iraqi Social Forum

Ali Alkarkhi – Coordinator of Save the Tigris and Iraqi Marshes Campaign and Humat Dijla in Iraq 24 September 2016 , Baghdad The volunteers team of “Humat Dijila” (Tigris Keepers) succeeded under difficult security and economic circumstances, to organize an activity during the conclusion of the Iraqi Social Forum’s third season. Volunteers team from Baghdad, Mosul […]

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Shahrazad Festival in Erbil, United Against Sexual Harassment

The Shahrazad Campaign aims to mobilize Kurdistan’s civil society against sexual harassment. To that end, the Iraq Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) and Al-Mesalla Organization for Human Resource Development will host the 1st Shahrazad Festival, a public event to raise awareness about sexual harassment. We aim to create a space where international and local actors, […]

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Iraqi and International Expertise to Protect Women Human Rights Defenders Iraq

      September 25-27, 2016 Aysar Shihab – Baghdad   The Shahrazad Centre for the Protection of Human rights Defenders and the Iraqi Journalists Forum hosted a workshop for Iraqi and Kurdish women activists from September 25-27 at their offices in Baghdad.   The workshop was attended by sixteen Iraqi women who came from Basra, […]

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The Iraqi protest movement explained, at World Social Forum 2016

By ICSSI, August 2016. The World Social Forum 2016 took place for the first time in a country of the Global North, gathering activists from all over the world in Montreal (Canada) on 9-14 of August. The rationale was that people’s struggles for human rights and dignity, to protect the environment and stop militarization, need […]

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A Weekend of Rights and Peace in “Another Iraq”

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative celebrates the tremendous success of the Iraqi Social Forum and The Baghdad Marathon for Peace in Iraq (22-24 September 2016, Baghdad). Where can you go to talk freely with Iraqis of Shia, Sunni, Kurdish, Palestinian, Christian, Eziidi, International and many other backgrounds about equality, civil and human rights, solidarity, […]

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The World Social Forum after Montreal

By Pierre Beaudet, Intercoll (Canada), October 2016. The last World Social Forum in Montreal came to an end last August 13th, after four days of deliberations and meetings. The balance sheet still has to be made, and there will be plenty of discussions,. There are certainly positive aspects that were reached in Montreal, in addition […]

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The Iraqi Women’s Journalists Forum and the Iraqi Women’s  Network discuss domestic violence

  In the third gathering of the Iraqi Social Forum, the Iraqi Women’s Journalists Forum, supported by the Shahrazad project, held a seminar entitled ‘The role of media in raising public awareness about domestic violence. The seminar was introduced by both the head of Iraqi women Journalists, Nibras AL-Mamury, and the coordinator of the Iraqi […]

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Casablanca Declaration for the COP22!

Casablanca Declaration following the September 23-24 International and African Conference on COP22 Record temperatures during the entire year of 2016, as well the series of cyclones, hurricanes, floods, forest fires and droughts that have taken place serve as clear reminders that climate change is a reality that already affects hundreds of millions among us. We, […]

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Baghdad Marathon For Peace Is a Reality

Nicola Visconti Sports Against violence – Italy   Baghdad, September 24, 2016. The second International Marathon for peace is a reality! More than 800 people running together in the streets of Baghdad to say that another Iraq is possible. Families, athletes, kids, young people, women running side by side: another big proof that civil society exists […]

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Thousands protest across Kurdistan Region to demand salaries and end to austerity measures

By ICSSI, 29 September 2016. School and university teachers, civil servants and thousands of people took to the streets in planned demonstrations throughout the Kurdistan Region earlier this week to protest ongoing salary cuts and delayed wages. Various local media reported demonstrations were held in Sulaymaniyah, Halabja, Darbandikhan, Kalar, Kifri, Ranya, Koya, Qaladze, Chamchamal, and […]

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From Individual Initiatives to Democratic Organizations

Peace and Freedom Organisation in Kurdistan: From individual initiatives to democratic organizations Erbil – 21 to 22 September 2016 – The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) supports the first national conference of the Iraqi NGO “Peace and Freedom Organisation in Kurdistan.”   When it comes to forming truly democratic non-governmental organisations, with a strategy […]

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