Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Dhi Qar Youth Send a Message of Love to Their City

  ICSSI – Nassiriyah “I love Dhi Qar” is the name of a beautiful festival organized in Nassiriyah (Dhi Qar province) on Saturday, December 10, 2017. The event has been organized by a hardworking group of young volunteers linked to the Iraqi Social Forum who are keen to highlight the beauty and cultural heritage of […]

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Iraq: KRG Restrictions Harm Yezidi Recovery

Human Rights Watch (Beirut) – The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq has placed disproportionate restrictions on the movement of goods into and out of the district of Sinjar, the center for Iraq’s Yezidi religious minority. KRG officials say that the KRG is concerned about the activities of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), an armed […]

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Two Iraqi Journalists Killed in Past Few Days

Reporters Without Borders Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns the dangerous climate for media personnel in Iraq, and urges the authorities to do everything possible to protect them and to end the impunity for crimes of violence against them. Two journalists have been killed in Iraq this month, bringing the number of journalists killed this year […]

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Why Iraq Needs Immediate Action on Climate Change

Al-Monitor Adnan Abu Zeed / BAGHDAD — Iraq faces many threats to its environment, not the least of which are apathy, a lack of education and a need for cooperation from other countries. “Iraq is in dire need of environmental awareness. Environmental education is absent among the Iraqi people, whose dangerous behaviors are majorly affecting […]

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Erbil Helps Thousands of Injured IDPs and Treats Hundreds

Shafaq News  On Thursday, the first of December, the Directorate of Health in Erbil City, the capital of Kurdistan Iraq, announced that its hospitals are full of injuries of the ongoing military operations to liberate Mosul. It claimed that the hospitals have no capacity nor space to receive more patients, and called for the KRG […]

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Open letter: Request to withdraw from the relocation of the Zeynel Bey Tomb in Hasankeyf/Turkey

+++ Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive, Turkey +++ Mesopotamian Ecology Movement, Turkey +++ Hasankeyf Matters, Turkey +++ Save the Tigris and Iraqi Marshes Campaign, Iraq +++ Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative, Iraq +++ Movement for the Protection of Aracthos River, Greece +++ Ecological collective of Irakleio, Greece +++ Friends of the Earth, Greece +++ Cultural […]

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The opening of the National Curricula and Assessment Center in Erbil

UNESCO Office for Iraq Erbil, 13 November 2016 – the new “National Curricula and Assessment Center” in Erbil was officially opened by H. Exc. Dr. Pshtiwan Sadiq Abdallah , Minister of Education of the Krdistan Regional Government, with the participation of UNESCO and UNICEF. The Center and its staff will play a leading role in […]

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Extractivism, environmental migration and water conflict: civil society reflects at the COP22

By Toon Bijnens, Save the Tigris and Iraqi Marshes Campaign 2016 will be the hottest year recorded in human history, and the world is looking for urgent action on climate change. Under the principles of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, the COP22 (UN Climate Change Conference) took place in Marrakech, Morocco (7-18 November). No […]

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Iraq’s Marsh Arabs more optimistic after World Heritage status

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 23 November 2016  The Marshlands of Mesopotamia in southern Iraq are a rare aquatic landscape in the desert, and a biodiversity hotspot for key migratory birds. “They are a unique ecosystem regionally and globally where we see the largest river system in the Middle East, a rich biodiversity, and historical […]

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After Daeesh kidnap and oppression, Iraqi girls eager to get lives back

The first thing Iraqi teenager Afrah did when she escaped Daeesh captivity near Mosul was to remove her face veil and throw it defiantly to the ground. The ultra-hardline militants kidnapped and used Afrah, 16, her older sister Asil and 14 other family members and relatives as human shields when they withdrew from the Iraqi […]

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Roundtable opens door for Iraqi reporting on the killing journalists and the issue of impunity

 UNESCO Office for Iraq Baghdad, 2 November 2016 –  a meeting of 15 senior officials from government, the Council of Representatives and representatives of the Iraqi media profession discussed information-sharing and reporting by Iraq on the safety of journalists. The meeting was co-chaired by Dr. Hamid Khalef from the Prime Minister’s Advisory Council (PMAC) and […]

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Save the Tigris, Euphrates and Marshes from climate change and unsustainable water policies: a message to the COP22

Message to the COP22 Climate Change Summit in Marrakech, Morocco The team of Humat Dijla, one the main partners of the Save the Tigris and Iraqi Marshes Campaign, offers its sincere congratulations for the Kingdom of Morocco for hosting the Conference of the Parties COP in it’s twenty-second edition, wishing them success in their tireless […]

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