Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


The Reality of Women Human Rights Defenders in Iraq at the End Of 2016

    Nibras Al-Maamouri – Head of the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum (IWJF) Since 2003, Iraqi women have worked tirelessly to make their presence felt in the field of human rights in Iraq, but security issues and political corruption have impeded advancements of women human rights defenders, including journalists. The murder of Atwar Bahjat represents […]

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Iraq: Daesh Attacking Civilians in Mosul Retreat

Human Rights Watch (Erbil) – Fighters with the Islamic State (also known as ISIS) have indiscriminately attacked civilian areas in eastern Mosul with mortar rounds and explosives, and deliberately shot at fleeing residents, Human Rights Watch said today. Iraqi and coalition forces have also killed and wounded civilians by striking or deploying from homes. Fleeing […]

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Who is Responsible for Destruction of Iraq’s Cultural Heritage?

Almonitor – Adnan Abu Zeed  BAGHDAD, Iraq — Safeguarding Endangered Cultural Heritage, a conference held in Abu Dhabi December 3-4, called for international support to protect the endangered cultural heritage of the Middle East, especially in Iraq and Syria. Conference participants approved establishing a $100 million fund and a safe haven network for use during conflicts. The problem in Iraq is one of conflict […]

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Do Minorities Have Role in Iraqi National Reconciliation?

BAGHDAD — Al-Monitor By: Saad Salloum The national settlement document, which put forward a project for national reconciliation, is facing some difficulties that seriously threaten the possibility of establishing this project. The main issue is that this national settlement is limited to the large groups in Iraq — Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds — while it excludes civil […]

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Youth activists camp in the Iraqi Marshes

The Save the Tigris Campaign continues to work and campaign for the Iraqi Marshes. This time an activity took place in the heart of the Iraqi Marshlands at Chibayish, where a camp was organized, now an annual tradition of the campaign. It included 20 young, male and female water and environmental activists from Baghdad, Nasiriyah […]

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Water Wars: Iranian Dam Threatens Iraqi Kurdistan’s Legendary Sirwan River

Salam Handani – Niqash When neighbouring Iran tested their new dam recently, levels on an important Iraqi Kurdish river dropped four meters. Locals fear when the dam is completed, the water will dry up altogether. The Sirwan River in northern Iraq is an important part of the semi-autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan’s history and heritage; […]

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Once Daesh is Defeated, Iraq Will Have to Mend a Divided Society

Diwan / Maha Yahya As the campaign to retake Mosul continues, Iraqis are celebrating it as an embodiment of national unity. The offensive has brought together the Iraqi Army, the Kurdish Peshmerga, and paramilitary groups, including the Popular Mobilization Forces (Al-Hashd al-Shaabi), or PMF, as well as Sunni tribal fighters. Early on this heightened expectations […]

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Solidarity with Iraqi Civil Society in its Nonviolent Struggle Against Injustice and Extremism

The registration for the conference has ended! Thank you. Available in Kurdish and Arabic We are calling for iraqi and international participants to attend the annual conference of the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative, on Wednesday, the 18th of January 2017, in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, IRAQ. Iraqi and international members of the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity […]

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Nineveh’s Youth Conference

We are all Citizens Under the theme “Activating the role of the young people in the process of Peace Building and Social Cohesion after ISIS in Nineveh Governorate” Peace and Freedom org. and PAX org. within “we are all citizens” program, in cooperation with the Nineveh Provincial Council, the Youth Advisory Committee and a number […]

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The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP)

Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) At the end of November Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) facilitated Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) workshop in collaboration with Ann J Ward (Peacebuilding advisor of Un ponte per…) which was organized by the University of Duhok Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies. The workshop was funded by UNDP. Twenty three […]

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In Iraqi Kurdistan, Demonstrations Continue

partners with rural and displaced communities and civil society activists who struggle for peace and respect for their rights. Demonstrations continue Iraqi Kurdistan has been facing the biggest crisis in the history of the region for almost two years. The regional government have shut down public service projects and have not been able to pay the […]

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Registration for ICSSI conference 2017 in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Registration for Iraqi and International Participants who would like to participate in the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative Conference this year, titled “Solidarity with Iraqi Civil Society in its Nonviolent Struggle Against Injustice and Extremism“. It will take place on Wednesday, the 18th of January 2017 in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which can be […]

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