Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Statement on the Kurdish Referendum from the Peace and Freedom Organization

There is No Alternative Better than Dialogue … No for Violence, No for Sanctions Peace and Freedom Organization Based on our absolute belief that there is no alternative better than dialogue, no path to peace, but peace itself is the way. We are calling and asking all Iraqi and Kurdish parties to return to the dialogue […]

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No to War, No to Economic Sanctions, the Only Solution is Dialogue

Recognizing the role of civil society to promote peace, nonviolence, and respect for human rights, we call for dialogue to address the problems between the Iraqi central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, for efforts to de-escalate tensions, and for the cessation of external interventions. Peace and partnership among Iraqi citizens of different backgrounds, especially […]

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Reviewing the Draft Law on Freedom of Expression in Iraq

The Iraqi parliament is currently working on a freedom of expression draft law. This legislation contains several articles which civil society believes would curb free speech in Iraq. The ‘Media’ working group of ‘Mesopotamian Youth’ based in Baghdad, together with the Article 38 Coalition and the Iraqi Social Forum discussed this new freedom of expression […]

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International Peace Day Celebrated Across Iraq

Each year on the International Day of Peace, 21 September, the UN invites people across the world to take part in celebrations which bring together civil society and citizens from all over the globe.  This year in Iraq, youth came together across 9 different locations for celebrations organized by the Iraqi Social Forum, its subsidiary […]

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Iraq’s Kurds Need to Put Democracy Before Independence

The Washington Post, The Post’s View – Opinion Editorial Board, 6 October 2017 The leaders of Iraq’s Kurdistan region are suffering considerable consequences for their reckless staging of a referendum on independence late last month. The Iraqi government has teamed up with Turkey and Iran to impose tough sanctions, including a ban on international flights from Kurdish airports. Turkish […]

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Creating a Safe Environment for Iraqi Activists and Human Rights Defenders — an ICSSI Training in Baghdad

Given the growing activities of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) in influencing reform on human rights issues in Iraq — particularly in these times of dramatic political change and uncertainty — they continue to be exposed to vulnerability and risk (from blackmail and intimidation to systematic assassination). Civil society must provide them with maximum protection. To […]

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ISF’s Interpretation Team Trains in Nonviolent Strategies

Iraqi Social Forum and Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative On 24 – 26 September 2017, 10 volunteers from the Interpretation Team of the Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) participated in a workshop on the principles and methods of nonviolence. The training was held at the ISF headquarters in Baghdad, and was led by an expert on […]

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Civil Society Enabling Women’s Participation in Provincial and District Councils in Iraq

In light of the recent adoption of the new law for provincial and district council elections, the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum held a seminar to discuss how best to ensure effective representation of women in these councils given that the new law stipulates that women should make up no less than 25% of the seats […]

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Locals In Former Extremist Areas Live In Ruins, Cope With Lawless Militias

Mustafa Habib – Niqash At first they celebrated the end of Daesh. But now, unemployed, living in ruins and harassed by self-organised security forces, some Iraqis are no longer feeling so lucky. When Daesh was expelled from the northern city of Mosul, locals there were happy. But now, not so much, says Qassim Badran, a […]

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First Local Social Forum Activities held in Najaf

From this year forward, the Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) intends to spread the social forum model from Baghdad to other cities in Iraq. The ISF will act as facilitator of local fora, which will join the national initiative. The methodology used will be the same of the World Social Forum, based on the voluntary work […]

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Invitation to the 4th Season of the Iraqi Social Forum!

Iraqi Social Forum and The Secretary of Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative – September 2017 Civil society organizations, youth social movements, students, unions, individuals and activists have started organizing the fourth season of the Iraqi Social Forum, entitled “Rights … Peace”! The forum will last 3 days, beginning 30 November 2017 and will be held […]

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From Hit to Nasiriyah: Messages of Peace on the Occasion of World Peace Day

Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) & Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) On Tuesday, 19 September 2017, to celebrate the International Day of Peace, and in solidarity with the city of Nasiriyah, civil society volunteer teams in the city of Hit organized a special event —  a first in the city. Attended by about 35 children […]

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