Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Targeting of Journalists and Media Workers During August 6 Demonstrations in Iraqi Kurdistan.

PRESS RELEASE After the call for demonstrations from Shaswar Abdulwahid, the president of the New Generation Movement in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, security forces from the three governorates of Sulaymaniyah, Erbil and Duhok began to arrest journalists, supporters of New Generation, and other activists who were supporting the demonstrations on August 6. CPT Iraqi Kurdistan […]

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The 8th report of the Iraqi Observatory for Workers and Employees Rights

For the period: (1st of April – 30th of June) 2022 The Iraqi observatory team for workers and employees’ rights has documented all the violations that the workers and employees were exposed to, which can be summarized as the following: 1- Iraq has been listed as one of the world’s worst countries for employee rights, […]

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We Can No Longer Be Kept Silent, Hear Us Now!

The Turkish forces, and over a decade ago, has been launching their numerous terrorist attacks across the Iraqi borders in various places and targets in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The set of successive Iraqi governments have not yet responded throughout all those years to put an actual end to those condemned assaults. The statements of […]

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Hundreds of furious protestors are overrunning the Iraqi Cities!

Spontaneous demonstrations have been going on since yesterday evening, 20 July, in the Iraqi cities of Baghdad, Kirkuk, Basra, Karbala and Najaf, and in the Iraqi Kudistan city of Sulaymaniya. Groups of people rallied in the streets to protest against yet another air raid conducted yesterday by the Turkish armed forces in Iraqi Kurdistan. The […]

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A denouncement of Killing civilians in north of Iraq by the Turkish armed forces.

Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) launched a new military campaign codenamed ‘Claw-Lock’ within Iraqi Kurdistan on 17 April 2022, with the aim of attaining total military control over the mountainous border region spanning roughly 180kms from east to west and up to 15kms south of the Iraq-Turkey borderline. Within the last month, 21 May to 21 […]

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Sinjar Cannot Endure More

As a campaign to protect human rights defenders, we stand in solidarity with all the legitimate demands and with all forms of peaceful protest, we demand that the killers of (Sheikh Jamil) be revealed as soon as possible, and renew our demands to expose the demonstrators and activists killers of october uprising ,holding those responsible accountable,drop all malicious false allegations about the protests and to reveal the fate of the disappeared and forcibly deported,ensuring that there will be no impunity.
“Protect human rights defenders in Iraq now”

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Save The Tigris launches a new report on the Makhoul Dam.

Amsterdam, June 2022 The Iraqi government is intensifying its efforts to complete work on the Makhoul Dam. This water infrastructure is being built on the Tigris about 230 kilometres north of Baghdad, situated between the estuary of the Lesser Zab and Qaryat al Khaḑraniyah, north of Shirqat district. Construction has been progressing as the Ministry […]

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The first memorandum of cooperation between Iraq and Lebanon environmental protection movements

Next to the first planted avocado tree in Lebanon, aged 100 years, a new page of shared struggle is created between the Iraqi and Lebanese environmental movements. Because  the environmental work requires to surpass the geographic and regional borderlines, those interested and active parties collaborate. Due to the environmental reality, in eastern Arabia region is […]

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The Education Right, is an Empowering Right!

I went to school, read my lesson, had lunch.. Then I read what I wrote to my dad and he was happy about it. It may sound like a normal text, but this text was translated from Sumerian, it’s for a student that lived 4000 years ago in Iraq. Wissam Ibrahim, the executive manager of […]

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Reaching Out for the Iraqi Youth to be Political Leaders and Decision-Makers.

Sasa is a civil society and a political organization. As an officially registered NGO, it is  specialized in the political field, focusing on  empowering and enabling Iraqi Youth in their political and civil participation.  Sasa was established in response to the growth of a generation of educated, politically and socially engaged Iraqi youth who save […]

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Together with NGOs, we campaign for peace Activist Bianca Farsetti DIRE Matera, Italy – “On 17th April, the day on which Catholic Easter was celebrated, Turkey launched a new military operation in Iraqi Kurdistan, and in particular in the area of the Sulymaniyah  and Dohuk mountains. Prior to that, the region had been subjected to […]

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Hanaa Edwar speech – in front of the United Nations Security Council

“As a defender of human rights and an activist for many years in iraq. I worked with my colleagues tirelessly after 2003 to restore society’s awareness to the values and principles of human rights and gender equality. As a civil society community we achieved  tangible achievements in campaigns defending the laws,politics and programs,by strengthen the […]

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