Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Commentary: Why Iraq should limit Islamic State trials

By Sarah Leah Whitson (Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch) REUTERS, December 5, 2017 At the height of its power in Iraq, Islamic State controlled 40 percent of the country’s territory and the daily lives of millions of Iraqis. Tens of thousands of Iraqis came to serve the IS administration, including […]

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Fourth Iraqi Social Forum “Rights and Peace”

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative –  December 2017 The Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) continues to be one of the most valuable spaces for civil society to convene in Iraq. Its annual event from 30 November – 2 December in Baghdad was attended by over 5000 visitors, mobilizing 100 volunteers and 85 civil society organizations […]

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Iraqi Unions Prepare for the 4th Season of the Iraqi Social Forum

By ICSSI Secretarite  Iraqi unions continue their preparations for the 4th season of Iraqi Social Forum, which will launch on 30 November 2017 and continue until 2 December 2017. Broad participation from Iraqi trade unions and civil society organizations is expected. The Forum was preceded by a national conference on social dialogue in Iraq on […]

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Iraqi scholarships at the United World Colleges

How can there be peace without people understanding each other; and how can this be if they don’t know each other? Lester B. Pearson Iraqi students who are now 14-18 years old can apply online for scholarships at the United World Colleges, within December 15, 2017.  They can get the option to spend the next […]

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Tanjero: the Struggle to Clean Up a Neglected River

For years in the city of Sulaymaniyah in Iraqi Kurdistan waste has been dumped at a site close to the Tanjero River in the Tanjero area of the city. The site has been used by the municipality as well as industries to dump garbage, oil and other toxic materials. It has severely polluted the local […]

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Participate in Save the Tigris Program of the Fourth Iraqi Social Forum!

Save the Tigris and Iraqi Marshes – Baghdad  Less than 2 weeks prior to the start of the 4th Iraqi Social Forum in Baghdad, the Save the Tigris campaign is in the final stages of planning for a series of workshops and information booth at this year’s gathering of civil society from across Iraq. Save […]

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Invitation to attend the 4th Iraqi Social Forum event in Baghdad

The Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) and the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) would like to invite you to the 4th annual event of the Iraqi Social Forum, to take place from 30 November – 2 December in Baghdad. The Iraqi Social Forum is a powerful space for coordination among civil society organizations and civil […]

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The Digital Clinic: A New Resource to Protect Women Activists on Social Media!

By ICSSI Secretariat – November 2017  Women journalists, activists and human rights defenders tend to minimize the importance of protection for their devices and the digital content they use. Hence, most of them currently lack a clear strategy to protect their devices and information. This is a widespread problem and, in a country like Iraq […]

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Nature Based Solutions to Big Dams Can Help the Mesopotamian Region and the World

Bonn, Germany – 11 November 2017 During a session of the COP23 on “Managing water scarcity for agriculture”, the Save the Tigris campaign posed a question to Mr. Olcay Ünver, the Deputy Director of Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): “Don’t you think that it’s time to state […]

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Yazidis in Iraq: ‘The genocide is ongoing’

Al Jazeera by Samira Shackle 7 November 2017 Khanke camp, northern Iraq – Wahda cannot sleep. During the day, she and her husband are busy caring for their 10 daughters and two sons inside Khanke camp for displaced Iraqis, located in the country’s north. It is at night that the memories come. “I stay awake just thinking, and […]

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The Media’s Role in Electing Women Candidates and Increasing Voter Turnout

By ICSSI Secretariat – November 2017   On 23 October in Baghdad, IWJF held a seminar on the role of the media in supporting women candidates and mobilizing public opinion for their success in elections. With elections coming up soon, alerting voters to those women who are running for office is urgent. The seminar was […]

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Urgent Call Upon the Iraqi Authorities in Baghdad and Kurdistan to Investigate The Killing of The Journalist Arkan Sharif

02 November 2017 We urgently call upon the Iraqi authorities both in Baghdad and Kurdistan to investigate the killing of journalist Arkan Sharif and to protect all journalists from future attacks. We are shocked by the news of journalist Arkan Sharif’s murder in front of his home in the city of Daquq (near Kirkuk), last […]

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