Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


A Festival of Love and Peace in the City of Diwaniyah

The Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) and the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) On 14 February 2018, the Diwaniyah Environment and Peace Forum held its first annual festival at Al-Hurriyah Family Park in downtown Diwaniyah. The approximately 750-1000 men, women and children from Diwaniyah who attended enjoyed artistic events, a bazaar of handicrafts and food, […]

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The Iraqi Social Forum Holds its Third Annual Strategic Meeting in Baghdad

The Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) and the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) On Saturday, 3 February 2018, the Iraqi Social Forum held its third annual strategic meeting in Baghdad. It was attended by members of the different bodies that compose this complex and rich social process: the ISF National Committee with all its NGOs, […]

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The Long Road Home: Achieving durable solutions to displacement in Iraq – lessons from returns in Anbar

Report from: Danish Refugee Council, Norwegian Refugee Council, International Rescue Committee. (To download the full version of the report click here) In December 2017, after three years of conflict which displaced 5.8 million people, Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abadi declared victory over the Islamic State group (ISIS). As Coalition-backed Iraqi forces slowly regained territory, many people […]

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Iraq: Families of Alleged Daesh Members Denied IDs

By Human Rights Watch – Feb 25, 2018 (Beirut) – Iraqi security officers are routinely denying relatives of suspected Islamic State (also known as ISIS- Daesh) members the security clearance needed to obtain identity cards and other documents, Human Rights Watch said today. Denying government benefits because of perceived family relationships instead of individual security […]

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Tribal Disputes Flare in Southern Iraq Over Water Disputes

By Mustafa Saadoun, Al-Monitor, 15 February 2018 Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi gave instructions on Feb. 11 to stop the encroachment upon water quotas and increase the water share to Al-Mejar district in Maysan province in southern Iraq. Abadi’s instructions came days after tribal conflicts in Iraq’s southern provinces broke out over agricultural land water quotas, […]

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The First Season of the Peace Forum in Hit

ICSSI Secretariat – December 2017 The activities of the first season of the Peace Forum in Hit began on 22 December 2017. This marked the culmination of the coordinated efforts of a number of voluntary organizations which came together to establish a joint space where groups could exchange ideas and unify their visions broadly aimed […]

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A Festival in Anbar Celebrating Peace and Volunteer Work

The Peace Forum of Anbar and The Iraqi Social Forum In the city of Ramadi, on 13 January 2018, Al-Ma’arif College hosted a Peace Forum, called “Anbar Al-Salam” (Anbar of Peace), in which 400 people took part. The festival was dedicated to teams of volunteers and organizations that are active in Ramadi and Falluja, many […]

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Maysan Celebrates Local Creativity in the “I Love Maysan” Carnival

Maysan Social Forum / Iraqi Social Forum With more than 1000 people attending, the first season of the “I Love Maysan” carnival was an enormous success. It was organized jointly by the Maysan Social Forum and the Iraqi Social Forum, and its activities  focused on youth creativity in the province, recognizing the accomplishments of the […]

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Postponement of Ilisu Dam Reservoir is Not a Success!

Statement by Humat Dijlah Baghdad, January 2018 With great concern we are following the decreasing water supply to the Tigris River — a problem which has the potential to create an environmental catastrophe in Iraq in the near future. We are particularly worried following statements made by the Iraqi government in response to a cable […]

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“I Love Dhi Qar” a civil space in Nasiriya

To end the year of 2017, Dhi Qar Forum organized its main event of the year: the annual festival of I Love Dhi Qar in the city of Nasiriyah, Southern Iraq, from 28-30 December 2017, consisting of several activities aimed at bringing together local civil society, youth and communities. Dhi Qar Forum represents a civil […]

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Guarantee Me a Safe Environment, I Will Protect Your Rights and Secure Your Freedoms

A summary of recommendations of the paper prepared by Shahrazad activists, on the protection of Women Human Rights Defenders in Iraq. In 2017, Iraq weathered trying social and security conditions that left their traces on efforts to secure the freedoms and security of citizens in general, and this goes in particular for Women and Men […]

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Iraqi Youth Discover the Ahwar of Iraq World Heritage in the Third Youth Camp of Humat Dijlah

For the third year in row, Iraqi youth learned about Iraqi heritage in the annual youth camp in Chibayish Marshes in Dhi Qar Governorate, Southern Iraq. This camp is an annual event organized by Humat Dijlah and the Mashufna Cultural Center. Participants were young activists from the cities of Baghdad, Najaf, Hit, Nasiriyah and Diwaniyah to […]

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