Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


The ISF Offers a Campaign Development Training to Youth in Falluja and Ramadi

The Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) and the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) As part of the effort to develop capacities in youth from cities participating in the “Paths of Coexistence in Mesopotamia” project, the Iraqi Social Forum held a training for the peace forums in Falluja and Ramadi on 5 May 2018. 5 young […]

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The Reality of Freedom of Press and Expression in the Kurdistan Region in 2018 So Far

World Press Freedom Day – 3rd May , 2018 The Media Working Group of the Kurdistan Social Forum conducted a semi-Conference in Sulaymaniyah City on this day with the participation of 25 people: CSOs, journalists, independent human rights activists, one MP, stakeholder representatives and university teachers. A panel analyzed data on violations of freedom of […]

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Youth from Kut Create a New Local Forum: “We Are Wasit”

By the Secretariat of Iraqi Civil Society Initiative – 19 May 2018 As a part of the project “Paths of Coexistence in Mesopotamia and Middle East”, local forums made up of civil society groups, volunteers and activists have emerged in several Iraqi cities overlooking the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. These forums are united by the […]

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Iraq: Women and Children with Perceived ties to Daesh Denied Aid, Sexually Exploited and Trapped in Camps

Amnesty International April 2018 Iraqi women and children with perceived ties to the armed group “Daesh”, are being denied humanitarian aid and prevented from returning to their homes, with an alarming number of women subjected to sexual violence, Amnesty International said in a new report. The Condemned: Women and Children Isolated, Trapped and Exploited in […]

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Years of Civil Society Protest Bring Change to Iraq

By the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative – May 18, 2019. Forming a government, following the recent parliamentary elections in Iraq, will take time, but there is now hope for significant change and reform. The strong showing of the Saeroun Lil-Islah (“Marching for Reform”) alliance, which won 55 seats in the parliament, was a clear […]

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Mosul, an Archeological Treasure, Comes Back to Life in a Festival of Dance and Remembrance

Translated by the Secretariat of Iraqi Civil Society Initiative Sputnik Just outside the southern Iraqi city of Mosul, women of Nimrud danced to the melodies of Assyrian songs and Arab folk music. They danced for peace and for the return of life to their city since its liberation from Daesh. The dancing was part of […]

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Iraq elections: All you need to know

Iraq’s parliamentary elections set for May 12 will indirectly decide on a new prime minister and president. by Arwa Ibrahim – Al Jazeera News, 8 May 2018 Iraqis will head to the polls on May 12 to elect a new national parliament, which will serve as the basis for the formation of a new government. […]

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Young Activists from Hit Receive a Training on Building and Implementing Campaigns Aimed at Peace and Social Cohesion

Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) and The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) From 27-28 April 2018, in western Iraq, the city of Hit held a training called “Building and Implementing Campaigns” for 10 young activists. The successful training was organized by the Iraqi Social Forum for youth active in Hit’s Peace Forum. The Peace Forum […]

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From the Midst of the Rubble, Hopes Glow for a Brighter Tomorrow — Youth Campaigns Flourish in Baiji City After The Liberation from Daesh  

The Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) and the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) In order for peace to prevail in cities recently liberated from Daesh, displaced families have to be able to return to their homes and former lives. To make this return possible, voluntary teams from the Tikrit Social Forum (including the Tikrit Youth […]

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Activists Bring to Life the Spirit of al-Mutanabbi Street in their Own Cities: Mutanabbi Starts Here

    Youth from cities all over Iraq came together in solidarity to commemorate what was lost in the terrible bombings of al-Mutanabbi Street in Baghdad 11 years ago. In many cities throughout the country, young people organized events on this tragic anniversary as a way to celebrate and preserve the spirit of Baghdad’s famous […]

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New Report addresses pollution of the Tigris River in Baghdad

Save the Tigris and Iraqi Marshes Campaign   A new report has been published by Save the Tigris and Iraqi Marshes Campaign on the impact of Tigris River pollution in Baghdad, which is reaching a peak levels today. The water quality of the Tigris River, lifeline of the city, has deteriorated in recent times and […]

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15 Years Later: The Iraqi Social Forum Spreads Messages of Peace and Solidarity to Cities Which Opposed the 2003 War in Iraq

Iraqi Social Forum On the 15th anniversary of demonstrations against the war in Iraq, a delegation from the Iraqi Social Forum visited Rome and Oslo, two cities which voiced strong opposition to the war. The visits strengthened international networks, empowering civil society to be an agent of positive change. A delegation from the Iraqi Social […]

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