Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Iraq Election Commission Ignored Warnings Over Voting Machines

Writtin by Ahmed Rasheed, Raya Jalabi, Ahmed Aboulenein BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Iraq’s election commission ignored an anti-corruption body’s warnings about the credibility of electronic vote-counting machines used in May’s parliamentary election, according to investigators and a document seen by Reuters.   The devices, provided by South Korean company Miru Systems under a deal with the […]

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Water, Culture, Arts, Sport, and Social Cohesion. This is How Youth of Qamishlo Seek to Activate their Role in the City!

Arabic | عربي     We Love Qamishlo Initiative, July – 2018   Qamishli, or Qamishlo, a city in the north-east of Syria, is often referred to as the city of love by its children, young people and elders. The city is characterized by a unique community mosaic and a wide variety of religious and ethnic […]

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Protests in Southern Iraq Intensify as Demonstrators Stage 2 Sit-Ins on Site at Oil Fields Run by Exxon Mobil and Eni — Armored Vehicles Deployed in Response

Arabic | عربي   Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative 30 July 2018   Hundreds of young people in Basra set up tents to house demonstrators who have staged sit-ins in two strategic locations: the first at the West Qurna field, 75 kilometers north of Basra, run by the American company ExxonMobil; the second at Burjisia, which […]

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Urim: A Civil Initiative to Protect the Ancient City of Ur

Arabic | عربي Each year, hundreds of people visit the city of Ur, which lies to the west of Nasiriya City. After it was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, officials in charge of the ancient city were provided an opportunity to implement a plan to run and protect it. Iraqi civil society actors […]

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Iraq: Security Forces Fire on Protesters

Arabic | عربي   Iraq’s security forces fired on and beat protesters in Basra governorate during a series of protests from July 8 to 17, 2018, Human Rights Watch said today. The largely Interior Ministry forces used apparent excessive and unnecessary lethal force against protests over water, jobs, and electrical power that at times turned […]

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The Iraqi Social Forum Establishes an Arts of Peace Team, Laying a First Stone in a Foundation Dedicated to Nonviolence

  Arabic | عربي   From 8-10 July, the Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) held a specialized training in Baghdad to develop the capacity of youth in a new ‘Arts of Peace’ team, part of the ISF’s nonviolence masar (path). The training included a review of key strategies for building successful campaigns, starting with problem analysis, […]

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Iraqi Call to International Civil Society to Stand in Solidarity With the Nonviolent Protests in Iraq

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative and multiple Iraqi civil society Groups 19th July, 2018 Large-scale Iraqi protests are entering their second week in many provinces including, Basra, Nasiriya, Maysan, Muthana, Diwania, Karbala, Najaf, and parts of Baghdad. Increasingly, they are being met with suppression and an escalation of violence by the Iraqi security forces […]

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Environmental Threats, Lack of Water, Poor Job Opportunities and Declining Social Benefits Produce Massive Protests in Southern Iraq

Iraqi civil Society Solidarity Initiative  18th July 2018  Iraqis have been demonstrating for days in immense protests across southern Iraq—in Basra, Nasiriyah, Amarah, Kut, Karbala and Najaf—demanding basic services and rights, including water, electricity, and jobs. The frequency of demonstrations targeting oil fields, ports and airports, and the headquarters of political parties has mounted in […]

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Local Forums Across Iraq Reveal a Strong and Growing Youth Movement

Over the past year, the Iraqi Social Forum has become a model for smaller local forums springing up throughout the country. These local forums galvanize and train young activists to work inclusively and nonviolently to create a better Iraq, one based on the values of peace and social cohesion.These values, which became dormant under the […]

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Arab Coordination Group Established Within World Heritage Watch

  Manama – Kingdom of Bahrain, June 25th, 2018 In the margins of the 5th International Civil Society Forum on World Heritage which was organized by the World Heritage Watch (WHW), and took place in Manama 2018, and at the kind invitation of Dr. Essa Amin and Dr. Abdul Aziz Ali Sweileh, the representatives of […]

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From the Chibayish District, the Marshes Festival Sends a Call to Iraqis to Protect Nature

Save the Tigris Campaign   After Iraqis celebrated the inclusion of their marshes on UNESCO’s World Heritage List two years ago in July 2016, it was expected that a new stage of recovery and prosperity throughout all of the Iraqi marshlands would begin, that this international recognition would end years of neglect and resulting environmental […]

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A Successful Training Organized by Najaf Social Forum

12 June 2018, Baghdad With the participation of 14 young activists from different organizations and voluntary teams, the Najaf Social Forum organized a specialized training in collaboration with the Iraqi Social Forum. The training focused on how to plan and run effective campaigns, and took place in Najaf city from 1-2 June 2018. This training […]

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