Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Peaceful Demonstrator Killed in Front of West Qurna Oil Field — ICSSI Issues an Urgent Call for the Iraqi Government to Open an Investigation

Arabic | عربي   The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) 16 August 2018 Iraqi security forces violently broke a peaceful strike in the Huwair sub-district of the Al-Midaina District north of Basra, where the West Qurna oil field 2 is located. Government officers killed a peaceful demonstrator and wounded others, while approximately 20 other […]

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Activists Campaign to ‘Save Basra’, Health Ministry Denies Cholera Outbreaks

Arabic | عربي  Shafaq News An online campaign launched by Iraqi activists and bloggers succeeded over the past few days in drawing attention to the water pollution crisis in the southern district of Basra. Recent videos and photos went viral on social media showing dozens of poisoned patients in hospitals due to contamination of drinking […]

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Iraqi Experts Say Iran Bears Responsibility for Drought in Hawizeh Marshes

Arabic | عربي  Asharq Al-Awsat It seems that geographic realities linking Iraq to Iran have caused inescapable problems that are compounding their turbulent political relations. Issues between Baghdad and Tehran go beyond problems of borders and oil field demarcation, extending to water supplies. Iraq accuses Iran of cutting river water flowing from its territory and […]

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Social Media as a Platform for Electronic Campaigns

Arabic | عربي Under the project of “Paths to Coexistence in Mesopotamia,” the Iraqi Social Forum conducted a digital and social media training last week, 9-11 August 2018, for a group of young people from Hit, Ramadi, Falluja, and Diyala. The training was held over three days in the meeting hall of the Iraqi Social […]

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Mosul Celebrates the Return of Diversity

Arabic | عربي   Follow up Jameel Aljameel Over 400 Mosulians (the people of Mosul) celebrated the return of life and activity to their city after its liberation from Daesh in the World Youth Festival in Mosul on Sunday 12 August 2018. The festival, organized by the Italian organization Un Ponte Per… (UPP) in cooperation […]

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Iraq and Iran’s Hawizeh Marshes: Threats and Opportunities

Arabic | عربي Laith Alobaidi – Nature Iraq / Humat Dijlah The Hawizeh Marshes form a large part of the famous Mesopotamian marshlands and southern Iraq, east of Tigris River on the Iraqi-Iranian border, shared between Iraq and Iran with the Iranian marshes known as Hor Al-Azim. They make up the largest wetland in this […]

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“I Love Dhi Qar” Forum Holds a Training Workshop on Human Development

On the weekend of 3-4 August, “I Love Dhi Qar” Forum held a training workshop on developing the capabilities and abilities of its youth volunteers. Training consisted of four hours each day over the two days, and was held in the hall of Mashhovna Center in Nasiriyah. During the course of this training, several topics […]

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Iraq Holds the First POINT Conference in the Middle East

Arabic | عربي POINT Conference Iraq, held in Baghdad on 20-21 July, is a continuation of the POINT Conference that has been held annually in Sarajevo since 2012. POINT has become an important venue for activists and specialists to promote the use of technology and media to achieve goals set by NGOs and civil society […]

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Looted Iraqi Antiquities Return Home After UK Experts Crack Cold Case

Arabic | عربي The Guardian Maev Kennedy 9 August 2018 British Museum traces exact origin of treasures, brought to London after Saddam Hussein’s fall. A collection of 5,000-year-old antiquities looted from a site in Iraq in 2003 after the fall of Saddam Hussein, and then seized by the Metropolitan police from a dealer in London, will be returned […]

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What Was Not Destroyed by Drought is Now Burned by Fire

Arabic | عربي   Humat Dijlah, 7/8/2018   As aresult of drought and water scarcity in the marshes, fire continues to spread over large areas of al-Huwaizah Marsh in Maisan Governorate in Southern Iraq, ravaging the natural area. Environmental activist Ahmed Saleh Neema, based in Maisan, explained the fire started in the pond of Um Alneaj […]

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Experts: Water Drought is One of Three Crises Threatening Iran

Shafaaq News \ Iran is approaching a phase of water drought, and the possibility of returning to normal water levels is nearly impossible This is what independent experts say, as confirmed by the Vice President of Iran, the President of the Environment Organization, Issa Kalantri, and an official responsible for the revival of Lake Oromieh, […]

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Trade Unions and Civil Society Organizations Addressing the Issue of Fighting Human Trafficking and Compulsory Labor

On World Day against Trafficking in Human Beings, July 30, the laborers’ Economic and Social Rights masar (path), in collaboration with the Labor Solidarity Center, organized a training workshop at the Iraqi Social Forum for trade unions and civil society organizations on legal frameworks to fight human trafficking and prevent compulsory labor in Iraq. The […]

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