Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Solidarity for Another Possible Iraq

We all remember last year when the 6th season of Iraqi Social Forum, and all the seminars and workshops and the topics that were discussed through them, with all networking and making new connections and warm solidarity links.And on that occasion, for the seventh time on a row, Iraqi civic, social movements and entities including […]

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ICSSI, in solidarity with Iran protests

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) expressed its support for Iranian women as protests continued throughout the country on day 45 of 22-year-old Kurdish woman Jina (Mahsa) Amini’s death in morality police custody in mid-September. We strongly condemn the Iranian government’s violent crackdown against protestors in many cities across the country. According to human […]

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The 9th Report of the Iraqi Observatory for Workers and Employees Rights

Report No.9 for 2022 For the period (1st of July 2022 – 30th of September 2022) Contact Information: E-mail Address: WhatsApp: 009647801366740                     009647719892465 Website: Despite the challenges that are facing the observatory staff for the Iraqi Observatory of Workers and Employees rights, yet they are still working seriously to observe all the violations […]

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In the memory of the October uprising martyrs

Ever since the peaceful protests that went out on the 1st of October 2019, and the lifting of the last tent in Tahrir Sq. On 25 October 2020, a lot of events happened on the political, democratic, economic and social levels of Iraq. As we all know, a number of protestors have demanded a new […]

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The flower of transformation blooms in Kurdistan

Alternatives for justice and sustainability in a war-torn area 13 SEPTEMBER 2022,  ASHISH KOTHARI A beautiful article written by ASHISH KOTHARI on Meer on the full Kurdistan experience and how far has it gone to be the way it is today with specific historical dates and events alongside analyzing those calamities. The article proceeds by […]

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Statement of the permanent working group countering shrinking civil society space in Iraq

Despite the space guaranteed by the Iraqi constitution for the work of civil society (Article 45), that gives individuals the right to gather in various formations and names to contribute to the development process and political, economic and social action, the reality and application are not consistent with what stipulated in the constitution. Iraq’s international […]

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Iraqi Kurdistan: GCHR’s periodic report on human rights violations in the Kurdistan Region

On the 31st of August 2022, the Gulf Center for Human Rights (GCHR) has published a report that documents the violations on human rights in Kurdistan region. Those violations occurred in the period between October 2021 – August 2022. Some of the highlighted the violations were arresting the media workers and journalists in the protest […]

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Iraqis want peace!

Ever since the last election in October 2021, the political situation in Iraq has been on a downward spiral, with political forces clashing against one another, and leading to a ten-month long impasse in Parliament. It all started when the results of the election were announced, with al-Sadr’s movement being the winning party, who wanted […]

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The Decision Maker and the benefits that are envisaged from finalising the Makhool Dam (3.3)

It is difficult to know all the benefits envisaged from finalising this dam. All available information highlights the importance of this project, and how huge it is, describing is as the greatest project since 2003. However, this argument only addresses the general concept of the dam and repeats what is already known. The fact is, […]

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New report reveals civilian victims of Turkey’s cross-border attacks in Iraq Kurdistan

On 20 July  2022 an attack was recorded in the village of Parakhe, near Zakho (Duhok province). The attack saw 9 civilians killed and 24 wounded. This kind of attack by Turkey, which targets civilians, has been taking place for seven years in northern Iraq, and have killed a minimum of 98 civilians, also causing […]

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The decision maker and the situation development for Makhool Dam (2.3)

The Iraqi Energy Council 1 has decided to agree on the Higher National Committee of Water’s recommendation (from its assembly on 06 / 10 / 2019), regarding the Makhool dam. They have also recommended the financial and the planning ministers include it in the 2020 Financial Plan. In August 2020, Mr. Mohammed Zaidan, the head […]

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The decision maker and those responsible for the Makhool Dam (1.3)

Ismael Dawood July 2022 The ramifications caused,as a result of the Iraqi Government’s decision taken at the beginning of 2021, to resume construction of the Makhool Dam on the Tigris river, north of Saladin Governorate, has prompted a lot of discussions to take place. Reports undertaken show negative consequences that will result from building this […]

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