Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


The World Heritage Committee Should Step Up to Protect the Iraqi Marshes From Harm – A Report On the 2019 WHC Session in Baku

With the filling of the Ilisu Dam reservoir imminent, the annual session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee (WHC) in Baku, Azerbaijan was an important opportunity to address the key threats to the Iraqi Marshes with policymakers. Minimum water flows to the heritage site have not been met in the past 2 years. Since dam […]

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Rivers Are the World’s Heritage. Time to Treat Them as Such.

Commentary by Josh Klemm on 1 July 2019, This July represents a critical opportunity to protect rivers and the World Heritage sites that depend on them. Key government leaders will converge on Baku, Azerbaijan for the 43rd annual meeting of the World Heritage Committee this week. Established under the auspices of the United Nations Educational, […]

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UNESCO Should Address the Impacts of Upstream Dam Construction on the Ahwar of Iraq and Support Transboundary Water-Sharing Agreements

Press Statement by Save the Tigris Campaign The following resolution submitted by Save the Tigris Campaign was adopted by the World Heritage Watch NGO Forum prior to the 43rd session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Baku, Azerbaijan, 30 June – 10 July 2019. The 7th International NGO Forum on World Heritage at Risk […]

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The Fallujah Social Cohesion Council Discusses the Risks and Disaster Reduction Law

On 25 May 2019, the Fallujah Social Cohesion Council in cooperation with the Minorities and Displaced People masar (path) of the Iraqi Social Forum held a workshop on “The Reduction of Risks and Disasters Law.” The session started with a summary of the law and and overview of its key components. This was followed by […]

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Trevi return Mosul Dam to the Iraqi technicians, but this dam is effectively a construction project that never ends

By Elizabeth Ingram – Hydro ReviewContent Director Iraqi, U.S. and Italian officials have celebrated the completion of a project to shore up Iraq’s Mosul Dam, which is 371 feet tall and 2.2 miles long and holds back about 32 billion gallons of water. Trevi says a recently held event formalized the return of the dam to the […]

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A Successful Dialogue Session about Fair and Just Work Practices

To mark International Labor Day, the Baghdad Social Cohesion Council held a dialogue session on 30 April 2019 to discuss ways of ensuring fair and safe work conditions and reducing the amount of precarious employment in Iraq’s labor market. The session was held in at Al Khayyam Hall in the Mansour Melia Hotel, and participants […]

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With a Paper and Pen, Dreams Can Come True

For the first time since its establishment, the theater group from the Arts of Peace team put on a comic play about the shattered dreams of the youth of Iraq, especially students. The play discussed the positive consequences of ambition and diligence as well as the negative consequences of external obstacles and personal frustration. A […]

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Social media and peace building workshop

The Hit Peace Forum held its first training workshop this year. The workshop focused on the role of social media in peace building. It was attended by 13 volunteers, mostly from the Forum’s media team. The workshop was held in the city of Hit on Friday 7 June. Workshop participants received four hours of training. […]

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The Turkish city of Hasankeyf will welcome its tourists under water

Hasankeyf is located in southeast Turkey, on the banks of the Tigris River in a predominantly Kurdish area. At 12,000 years old, it is one of the oldest human settlements in the country. It is populated by more than 20 civilizations. It is home to some of the oldest caves in the world. Hasankeyf’s settlements […]

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Iraqi Civil Society Activists Deeply Concerned About a Law Giving Clerics Seats on the Federal Supreme Court

Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative, The Iraqi Social Forum Baghdad, 20 June 2019 Recent attempts by several members of the Iraqi parliament to pass the Federal Court Law are of great concern to Iraqi civil society activists. The draft law would allow clerics to sit on the Federal Supreme Court Committee, raising fears that the […]

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New Report to the World Heritage Committee: International Action Needed to Halt Dams and Save Marshes

A new report compiled by Save the Tigris member Rivers without Boundaries and World Heritage Watch, a draft of which was presented by civil society during the World Hydropower Congress, is an indictment of global conventional hydropower construction. As the title Heritage Dammed suggests, the report sets its sights on ecological sites on the UNESCO […]

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Save the Tigris Invites Members, Followers, and Supporters to Join the “Big Jump” for Hasankeyf

In just a few short weeks, on the 14th of July 2019, the community-led campaign Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive will host a “Big Jump” into the Tigris River at the 12,000 year old town of Hasankeyf, to demonstrate support for the preservation of the town and the river. Both Hasankeyf and the entire Tigris River are […]

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