Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Local Forums Host Water Conservation Trainings

The Water Protectors Network in Iraq, an advocacy group working to monitor and preserve Iraq’s rivers and waterways, expanded its reach by creating a new group of young activists through a series of trainings offered in different cities throughout Iraq from 19-29 July. The trainings aimed at developing the capacity of new water protector teams […]

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The Dhi Qar Social Forum Discusses the Iraqi Labor Law

As part of an effort by the Dhi Qar Social Forum to raise awareness about the Iraqi Labor Law No. 37 of 2015, a special training session was held involving 16 activists. Together they aimed to understand better the details of the law and how it directly impacts the lives of workers and society in […]

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Najaf Social Forum Workshop on Film and Video Directing

On 29 July 2019, at the Hall of the Union of Writers in Najaf, Al-Najaf Social Forum held a training workshop on film and video as tools to use against violent extremism. More specifically, the workshop drew attention to the need for strong, visionary directors capable of leading a team in the creation of visual […]

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Environmental Theme at Al-Fallujah Council Workshop With The Environment And Water Masar

Al-Falluja Council for Social Cohesion held a workshop with the Environment and Water Masar (path) to discuss the most important problems facing Al-Anbar governorate in terms of pollution of the environment and rivers, with the active participation of the members of Al-Fallujah Council and the Environment and Water Masar on 28 July, 2019. The session […]

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Activists Attend a Successful Training on the Right to Work and Social Security

On 15 July 2019, a group of young activists from local forums working within the space of the Iraqi Social Forum and the Kurdistan Social Forum came together in Erbil for a training of trainers ToT, entitled “The Right to Work and Social Security.” It was organized by the ISF’s Economic and Social Rights masar (path). […]

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Alamara Council for Social Cohesion and the ISF’s Environment And Water Masar Balance Tourism and the Environment

On 27 July 2019, the Alamara Council for Social Cohesion held a joint session with the Environment and Water masar(Path) to discuss issues relating to the environment and tourism in the city of Amara in Maysan Province. The session opened with an introduction to the work of the Council: its coordinator, Asaad Jabbar, reviewed the […]

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Stop the Filling of the Ilisu Dam!

Stop the filling of the Ilisu Dam! Statement by Save the Tigris Campaign, 29 July 2019 Despite strong domestic and international opposition, the Turkish government has commenced filling the reservoir of the controversial Ilisu Dam on the Tigris River in the Kurdish Southeast of Turkey without giving any official warning to those still living in […]

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Using Nonviolence Techniques To Reduce Extremism

The Iraqi nonviolence group on the Masar (path) of nonviolence and peace building, within the space of the Iraqi Social Forum, held a training workshop on the concepts of nonviolence and its techniques used to curb violence and violent extremism with the participation of a group of nonviolent activists. The workshop was held for two […]

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A Statement from Civil Society Organizations on the New Amendment to the Provincial Elections Law

A group of civil society organizations issued a statement on the recent amendment to the Provincial Elections Law, adopted by the Iraqi Council of Representatives during its 34th session on 22 July 2019. The statement reads as follows: We are a group of independent civil society organizations, activists and defenders of human rights and we […]

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Iraq: Water Crisis in Basra Decades of Mismanagement, Pollution, Corruption Print

HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH (Baghdad) – Iraqi authorities have failed to ensure for almost 30 years that Basra residents have sufficient safe drinking water, resulting in on-going health concerns, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The situation culminated in an acute water crisis that sent at least 118,000 people to hospital in 2018 and led […]

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Iraq Seeks To Issue Identification Papers For Children Born Under Daesh Rule

Al-MONITOR By: Mustafa Saadoun July 9, 2019 More than two years have passed since Iraq was liberated from the Islamic State (Daesh). The Iraqi government is now working to issue identification documents for children born under Daesh rule.  The Telegraph reported June 22 that nearly 45,000 children in Iraq do not have identification documents due to being born in […]

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The National Union of Journalists Calls for an End to Impunity and Arbitrary Dismissals

Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative – ICSSI 11 July 2019 The National Union of Journalists, an independent Iraqi trade union founded in 2013, issued its 2019 semi-annual report which recorded the most serious violations against journalists and media workers in Iraq. The monitoring unit of the union, composed of 20 union members, recorded 40 violations […]

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