Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


A Training Prepares Young Men and Women to Protect the Rich Cultural Heritage in Dhi Qar

September 2019 The cultural heritage of any country is a powerful force, one that operates at many levels. Economically, it may help to revitalize tourism and create employment. But there are other, deeper levels on which cultural heritage has an effect, for instance, social and moral ones. This is because the cultural heritage of a […]

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Fallujah Peace Forum Holds a Training on the Role of Women in Peacemaking

On September 4-5, the Peace Forum in Fallujah, in cooperation with the Kahramana masar (path) of the Iraqi Social Forum (ISF), held a training on the management of advocacy campaigns. 12 activists from Fallujah and a number of members of the masar attended. On the first day, participants discussed how to manage campaigns effectively, with […]

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Sports Against Violence Organizes a Training on Peace Building And Prevention of Violent Extremism

From 12-14 September, 17 young activists gathered at the Iraqi Social Forum to take part in a successful training given by Sports Against Violence. The workshop was dedicated to exploring issues relating to peacebuilding and the prevention of violent extremism. The workshop was both practical and theoretical: together, participants looked at key principles of peacebuilding […]

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Iraqi journalists blacklist politicians who attack them

Al-MONITOR Mustafa Saadoun Some Iraqi journalists are attempting to limit repeated attacks against them in peaceful and legal ways in a bid to provide a safer environment for the free press in Iraq. The Journalistic Freedom Observatory (JFO), one of the most prominent organizations working to defend press freedom in Iraq, announced Aug. 22 that it […]

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Meet the Iraqi Activists Who Are Standing Up for the Environment

Water Fannack Author: Sara Manisera Reviewer : Juliane Schillinger The year 2018 was marked by a severe drought in Iraq, a formerly water-rich country. The water crisis is complex, however, with multiple causes and the potential for future conflicts. A group of young Iraqi activists is trying to raise awareness about the issue. Another Iraq is possible, the […]

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Hear Us Now: Stop the Bombing!

The following statement on Turkish and Iranian cross-border bombings in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq has been drafted by Christian Peacemakers Team-Iraqi Kurdistan together with a coalition of victim families from various governorates, following a press conference in Soran on 2 September 2019. We the undersigned call for an immediate end to the Turkish and […]

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Much More Than a Border

Albukamal and Qaim lie on a Syrian-Iraqi boundary that has had regional implications for decades. KHEDER KHADDOUR Carnegie Middle East Center The Syrian city of Albukamal and the Iraqi city of Qaim along the Syrian-Iraqi border are separated by only a few hundred meters and have historically been linked by tribal and family ties. For […]

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For the First Time Since Liberation from Daesh, Ramadi Youth Organize a Chess Tournament

Alramadi – September 2019 The Peace Forum in Ramadi, in cooperation with the Directorate of Youth and Sports, and the Norwegian Refugee Council held a chess tournament from 25 – 29 August. It is the first of its kind to be held in Ramadi since its liberation from Daesh. The tournament was for formerly  displaced […]

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Victims of Turkish, Iranian Cross-Border Bombings Speak Out in Soran

NRT English, 2 September 2019 SULAIMANI — Victims of Turkish and Iranian cross-border bombings on villages in the Kurdistan Region gathered in Soran on Monday (September 2) to launch a campaign to bring attention to the issue and demand a halt to the airstrikes and shelling. During a press conference organized in partnership with violence-reduction […]

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Iraq poised for ambitious plan after Babylon listed by UNESCO

Adnan Abu Zeed  / ALMONITOR After 36 years of lobbying by Iraq, the ancient Mesopotamian city of Babylon was designated in July a UNESCO World Heritage Site. But this may mean even harder work for Baghdad and the local administration, which now have to implement a tough plan for the management and protection of the site that was […]

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Call: Global Action Day “Sing, Play, Paint — Take a Stand for Hasankeyf”

Call for Global Action Day “Sing, Play, Paint — Take a Stand for Hasankeyf” on 14 September 2019: Do not close Hasankeyf to the public! Stop the Ilisu Dam! Once more we say “It is not too late for Hasankeyf” and call on people to support actions to save the ancient village of Hasankeyf and […]

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Iraq: School Doors Barred to Many Children Affects Thousands Who Lived Under ISIS Rule

Belkis Wille / Human Rights Watch (Beirut) The Iraqi government is denying thousands of children whose parents have a perceived Islamic State (also known as ISIS) affiliation of their right to access education, Human Rights Watch said today. The children, who were born or lived in areas under the control of ISIS between 2014 and 2017, lack […]

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