Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Letter From Save the Tigris to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre: Concerns and Requests regarding the Ahwar of Iraq

In 2016 the Iraqi Marshes were inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List as part of the Ahwar. Each year, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee reviews reports on the state of conservation of the property and follows up with the State Party of Iraq in case it is not properly managed. Iraq’s 2020 State of […]

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Iraq: 3D Reconstruction Shows Security Forces Deliberately Killed Protesters

Amnesty International An exclusive new visual investigation by Amnesty International and SITU Research shows that Iraqi security forces intended to kill or severely maim dozens of protesters when they fired military-style grenades directly into crowds on the streets of Baghdad from last October onwards. The organizations’ interactive website, Smokescreen – Iraq’s use of military-grade tear gas grenades to […]

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Can protesters produce a political movement for elections?

Al-Monitor | Mustafa Saadoun Iraqi protesters are seeking to form a political movement to participate in parliamentary elections to be held in 2022. After holding sit-ins, blocking roads and rallying citizens against other political parties, protesters believe that forming a political movement is the next step. Iraqi activists and protesters say that a popular movement would create real opposition […]

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Rap becomes battle cry of Iraqi protests

AlMONITOR Omar al-Jaffal Rap, with its daring lyrics and catchy rhythms, has become the battle cry of Iraq’s anti-government protests that have been ongoing since October. “We, generation of revenge/Revolution of liberators/I don’t carry guns, my weapons are my ideas and thoughts,” Anhar, better known as MC Anhar, raps on his YouTube channel. Young Iraqis take his music to the protests and sit-ins […]

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After 5 Months, Iraq Demonstrations Exceed All Expectations

AlAraby AlJadeed Othman Al-Mukhtar 2 March 2020 In a diverse country like Iraq, one rarely finds an event that has almost unanimous popularity, but the Iraqi demonstrations, which began lat October and continue today, have found just this kind of universal support. These peaceful demonstrations have exceeded all the expectations of researchers, observers, and even […]

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Zaytun Bridge: A Report on the Violations in Dhi Qar Governorate

Zaytun Bridge: A Report on the Violations in Dhi Qar Governorate by the Sergio di Mello Team (SDMT) of the Peace and Freedom Organization On 21 February 2020, the Peace and Freedom Organization and its team, Sergio di Mello, which monitors the human rights situation and fundamental freedoms in the field, issued a special report on the […]

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Clashes Result in 2 Martyrs and Dozens Wounded

New Arab Baghdad – Bara Al-Shammari, Salam Al-Jaf 25 February 2020 Clashes between Iraqi demonstrators and Iraqi security forces in the capital Baghdad caused the death of two people and left more than 50 wounded. “Riot police” tried to compel peaceful protesters to move from Al-Khilani Square and go towards Tahrir Square, using live bullets […]

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Feminist Marches Take to the Streets of Iraq, Directly Challenging Social Norms

Women of the Najaf governorate in southern Iraq organized a large feminist demonstration on Wednesday, 19 February. Women came together, united under the slogan: “No authority over women” to emphasize the important role of women, not only in the ongoing protests throughout the country which started last October, but in society more generally. The Najaf […]

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The Young Iraqis Fighting for a Modern, Independent Nation

New Statesman America BY: QUENTIN SOMMERVILLE For decades the country has been brutalised by dictatorship, war, corruption and unemployment. Now Iraq’s young people are risking their lives again to bring about a political revolution Tucked in my bag on my first visit to Baghdad in two years was a copy of Muhsin al-Ramli’s The President’s Garden, […]

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Among the Highest Spending in the World: An International Report Reveals the Size of Military Spending In Iraq

NAS – Baghdad Iraq ranked 15th internationally as the country that spends the most on its military — $20.5 billion. Israel outranked it by a difference of $ 2.5 billion. according to a report published on Friday (14 February 2020) by the International Institute for Strategic Studies. John Shipman, the institute’s director, presented the report […]

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Iraqi Protests Blush Pink as Feminists Flood Streets

BAGHDAD — Al-monitor Feminists in pink and purple marched on Feb. 13 in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, Nasiriyah and other cities in the south. Women have had a central role in the protest movement since it started last October, participating in the protests alongside men and supported the movement by preparing food and providing first aid. Now they and their supporters have marched to challenge the distortions being […]

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USLAW Solidarity Statement With Iraqi Unions And Civil Society

February 7, 2020 To Our Sisters and Brothers in the Iraqi Trade Union and Civil Society Movements: We in U.S. Labor Against the War stand with you as you struggle to achieve democratic governance in your country, free from corruption and foreign interference by any country. We stand with you in your demands for the […]

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