Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Walking Arts and the Musical Ensemble Mshakht Connect People During the Pandemic

Associazione Ya Basta For the past 30 years, moving freely around Iraq has been particularly difficult, as in all countries living in a state of constant war and conflict. Now the Coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions caused by it have created a new very complex situation. “Walking Arts – Art, Culture & Heritage” was founded […]

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The Shared Responsibility Behind the Pollution of The Tigris River in Baghdad

In the following article, we review a number of points related to water pollution in Baghdad. We talk in detail about the threats posed by the continued pollution of the Tigris River within the borders of the capital, and the environmental, social, health and economic consequences for residents. Ultimately, we aim to develop treatments and […]

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Freedom of Expression and the Work of Civil Society Organizations During COVID-19 with a Focus on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Access to accurate information, a free press, and freedom of expression are vital to democracy and the health of civil society at all times, but never more so than when people are confronting an unprecedented crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic. As it continues its live webinars, the Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI), in collaboration […]

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Najaf Factions Desist from the “Popular Mobilization” in Iraq

The new Arab Baghdad – Zaid Salem April 22, 2020 In the latest development of differences between the armed factions within the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) in Iraq, the resigned Prime Minister, Adel Abdul Mahdi, decided to disengage the “holy shrines” brigades from religious authorities in Najaf, and link them to the Commander in Chief […]

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Workers’ Rights and Freedom of Syndicates During COVID-19

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) continues its live webinars: this time with a particular focus on Iraqi Kurdistan, in an attempt to connect activists and community members to build solidarity and promote peace as well as human rights across the world. In the face of the political, social, and economic anguish caused by […]

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On Earth Day, a new report tracks the reality and challenges of the environment in Iraq

On the occasion of World Earth Day, which occurred on April 22, the Information Center for Research and Development issued a report titled “On Earth Day.. Iraq and Environmental Challenges.” The report, which was prepared by a group of the center’s researchers, addressed the dimensions of the global environmental crises on Iraq, as part of […]

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Iraq: An Exhausted Healthcare Sector Needs a Brighter Horizon

On World Health Day World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on 7 April, under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO). This year’s theme is a tribute to health care givers. This international day comes as the world fights the COVID-19 pandemic which has infected and killed people […]

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Kurdistan Iraq: What is Solidarity in the Time of the Coronavirus Epidemic?

Freedom of Expression and Civil Society During COVID-19. The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) continues its live webinars:  this time with a particular focus on Iraqi Kurdistan, in an attempt to connect activists and community members to build solidarity and promote peace as well as human rights across the world. In the face of […]

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The Foresight and Vision of the Shakofyan Development and Cultural Organization

The emerging COVID-!9 crisis in Anbar province: impacts and responses The announcement by the World Health Organization on 11 March 2020 classifying the emerging Coronavirus/Covid 19 crisis as a global pandemic marked an unprecedented challenge to humanity, requiring increased efforts and at every level to confront the threat of the virus and limit its spread. […]

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A Wave of Violence Against Women in Iraq

Baghdad – NAS Manar Ezz Al-Din Once again, the Domestic Violence Law has returned to forefront of public debate following a horrifying incident involving a young woman, Malak, from Najaf Governorate. Violence against women has escalated due to the quarantine imposed in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, and human rights groups are calling for the […]

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Social and Political Role of Girls and Woman in the Time of the Coronavirus Pandemic.

The She Revolution group held its first webinar on 6 April, entitled “The Social and Political Role of Girls and Woman in the Time of the Coronavirus Pandemic.” It was oriented around two main axes of discussion: • The current condition of girls and women and the need for political and social rights. • The […]

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Building Solidarity with Migrants, Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in the Time of the Coronavirus

With one of the world’s largest populations of migrants, refugees, and internally displaced persons (IDPs), many of whom live in overcrowded camps without adequate healthcare, sanitation, food or clean water, the Middle East could be the site of a COVID-19 outbreak that exceeds the devastation in Europe and the U.S. While we are all at […]

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