Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Militia rockets kill five civilians in Iraqi capital as US mulls embassy withdrawal

AL MONITOR Two women and three children were killed at a Baghdad home on Monday as the United States threatens to pull its diplomatic mission. Three children and two women were killed by a rocket strike on a home in a Baghdad neighborhood on Monday. The incident, announced by Iraq’s Security Media Cell, comes amid threats by US […]

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ICSSI and CPT-Iraq Appeal to Iraq’s President and Prime Minister—End Turkish Cross-Border Bombing of Iraq

The Iraqi Civil Society Initiative (ICSSI) and CPT-Iraq jointly wrote to Iraq’s President Barham Salih and Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi imploring them to take immediate diplomatic action to end the Turkish bombing of northern Iraq. Twenty-seven Iraqi organizations and sixteen international organizations co-signed this urgent appeal to protect of civilian lives, their homes and livelihoods. […]

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Iraqi Citizens and Government Debate a New Domestic Violence Law As Family Violence Increases

As cases of violence against women and children continue to increase, supporters and opponents of a new law to protect and assist victims of domestic violence in Iraq differ sharply over aspects of the proposed legislation and whether the law should be passed. The She Revolution has learned of many cases of domestic violence through […]

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There Must Be a Complete and Total Ceasefire By Turkey in Iraqi Kurdistan

On September 6, Turkey’s Defense Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu announced the end of Operation Claw-Tiger, the Turkish military ground campaign in the Haftanin area of the Kurdistan Region’s northern border with Turkey. Since the middle of June 2020, Turkish military operations have killed at least nine civilians, bringing the total killed since 2015 to at least 99. But […]

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Police Officers Detained on Accusations of Violently Suppressing Demonstrators — What about Militias?

The new Arab Baghdad Anthem Saif al-deen On Thursday, the judicial authority in Iraq announced that it has detained a number of police officers and members of the security services on charges of suppressing the demonstrations. It has also issued court rulings against some officers accused of using excessive force on demonstrators. Activists however are […]

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The Assassinations and Repression of Protesters Must Stop Immediately

A call to hold accountable all those who violate Iraqis’ human rights Since the earliest days of the October Revolution in Iraq, criminals have assassinated activists and human rights defenders, both women and men. Despite having committed these horrible crimes they have not been held legally accountable. This has led to an increasing number of […]

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UN: Accountability for Human Rights Violations During Peaceful Protests is Key

UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS – OHCHR BAGHDAD/GENEVA, 27 August 2020 – Despite promising steps by the current Government of Iraq concerning human rights violations and abuses committed in the context of recent demonstrations, accountability remains elusive, according to a UN report released on Thursday. The report details actions and omissions in handling the massive protests […]

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Launch of Sumereen: Socio-economic growth through eco-tourism in Thi Qar

PRESS RELEASE Thi Qar, 26 August 2020- Funded by the European Union (EU), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will be supporting socio-economic growth through eco-tourism and cultural heritage preservation in the Governorate of Thi Qar, south of Iraq. Virtually launched, project Sumereen: Sumerian Youth for Economic Development and Cultural Heritage, will be implemented in […]

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Activists continue to be killed in Basra

AlMonitor The killing of an Iraqi activist in Basra took place even as Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi was visiting Washington; it was just the latest in a series of violent attacks against protesters and others in the southern city. As the US-Iraq Strategic Dialogue continued with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi’s visit to Washington, […]

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For How Long Will The Assassination of Activists Continue?

Our colleague and activist, Lodya Raymond, along two other colleagues were subjected, today, to a failed assassination attempt using firearms. The armed men stepped out of their vehicle in broad day light in Basra, and opened fire against our colleagues. She and the other two activists were injured and were immediately rushed to the hospital.The […]

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A Letter of Solidarity from Iraqi Civil Society to Civil Society in Lebanon

We’ve lit candles and raised the Lebanese flag in our cities and towns, we’ve prayed for mercy for all the injured and martyrs, but we’ve found that this solidarity is not enough. So we’ve chosen now to express our feelings of support with this letter of solidarity. Let us highlight the common denominators that unite the […]

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Turkey strikes PKK targets in Iraqi Kurdistan Sulaimaniyah province

Al-Monitor It is less common for Turkey to bomb the Kurdish armed group there. More of the Turkey-PKK conflict in Iraq takes place in Dahuk near the Turkish border. Turkey bombed multiple possible Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) targets in Iraq this week. The airstrikes took place in the Kurdistan Region’s Sulaimaniyah province, which is a […]

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