Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Does the threat of militias allied with Iran to Gulf countries affect the efforts of the Kazemi’s government?

Days after the announcement of Iraqi armed platform statement by a militia calling themselves “True Promise of Brigades” related to Iran, they declared responsibility for the last Saturday’s attack on Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. and threats against the UAE, militia has returned to post virtual images of the attack it threatened to launch […]

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NEWS RELEASE: US Pardons for Blackwater Guards an “Affront to Justice” – UN Experts

GENEVA (30 December 2020) A group of UN experts* said the pardons granted to four convicted private security contractors for war crimes in Iraq violated US obligations under international law, and called on all States parties to the Geneva Conventions to condemn the pardons. The Blackwater Worldwide contractors were prosecuted and convicted of multiple criminal […]

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Will Turkish Defense Minister’s Iraq Visit Yield Concrete Results?

al-monitor Although Turkey’s defense minister seems to be satisfied with the outcome of his recent visit to Baghdad and Erbil, there are several impediments to Turkey’s security demands.Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar’s recent visit to Iraq has seen plenty of verbal agreements on an array of issues Ankara shares with the central Iraqi government and Kurdistan […]

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Anniversary of the ICSSI Baghdad Conference of 2019

ICSSI Strategic Review Process: Listening to the Voices of our Partners. Today, two years ago, the 28th of January 2019, the ICSSI was hosting its first Conference in Baghdad, and the tenth in its history. This occasion renewed our energies and will to work together, and since then we never stopped. This year, we want […]

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Daesh Terrorists Claim Twin Suicide Bombing in Baghdad

Daily Sabah A twin suicide bombing took place in the Iraqi capital Thursday, January 21, killing more than 32 people and wounding at least 110 others, the country’s health ministry said. The rare suicide bombing hit the Bab al-Sharqi commercial area in central Baghdad amid heightened political tensions over planned early elections and a severe […]

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The Main Pushers Behind the Migration of Iraqi Youth to Europe

The phenomenon of youth migration outside the country has increased in recent years for many reasons; foremost among them is the lack of job opportunities, which prompted many to search for better opportunities in other countries. Additionally, the deteriorating security situation, poor economy, and poor services are also reasons that so many young people in […]

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On the International Human Rights Day, Al-Mesalla Organization Discusses Education System During COVID-19.

A Roundtable between Civil Society Organizations and local authorities On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day The main objectives of the roundtable were, highlighting the challenges faced the Education system during COVID-19 and quarantining the right of Education, as it is considered one of the Human Rights. The roundtable conducted in participation of […]

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A Journalist Remains Imprisoned in the Kurdistan Region

Sherwan Sherwani, a freelance journalist, is still imprisoned in the Kurdistan Region after Asayish forces arrested him more than two months ago. His fate remains unknown. The regional government arrested Sherwani because of his reports which shed light on the deterioration of living situation in the region, and his disclosure of rampant corruption within the […]

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Media Observation Report on Iraqi Press Violations 2020

Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq The year 2020 was different at all levels, but for the press scene in Iraq, not much has changed in terms of the violations affecting them, despite the Corona pandemic which remains the main concern of the world and the crises it has caused in various fields, violations continue. […]

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GCHR’s Tenth Periodic Report on Violations During Popular Demonstrations

Gulf Centre for Human Rights This is the tenth periodic report of the Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR) about violations during popular demonstrations in Iraq. This report sheds light on killings, abductions, prosecution and intimidation by filing lawsuits against human rights activists and protesters in Iraq. Activists taking part in the demonstrations are still […]

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Iraq Closes Land Borders, Restaurants with New Anti-Virus Measures

Al-monitor The federal Iraqi government is also barring travelers from the UK, Iran and several other countries. The Iraqi government announced a series of strict measures to combat COVID-19 on Tuesday. All land border crossings, restaurants and malls will be closed for two weeks starting on Thursday, the federal government announced on Twitter. The government also […]

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GCHR Honours Human Rights Defenders in Iraq at its Second Annual Awards Ceremony

Gulf Center For Human Rights Baghdad – On International Human Rights Day, the Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR) honoured human rights defenders in Iraq at its second annual awards ceremony, which was named in honour of researcher and journalist Dr. Hisham Al-Hashemi. The ceremony was held online, according to health protocols and in order to preserve […]

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