Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


The 2013 World Social Forum, a big success in the path of the WSF

Ahmad Jaradat Alternative Information Center- Palestine The 2013 edition of the World Social Forum took place between the 26 to the 30th of March in Tunisia. A lot can be said about World Social Forums, as always, but this one event will for sure mark history. As Tawfeeg Ben Abdallah Coordinator of the African Social […]

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Iraqi Elections: the silent majority and a new wave of violence

The Iraq Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) Written by: Ismaeel Dawood and Terry Kay Rockefeller , May 2013 Boycotts and Protests Provincial elections were held in two thirds of the Iraqi governorates this year on the 20th of April. The central government chose to postpone elections in Anbar and Ninevah, the two governorates that have […]

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There is no “crime”, Drop the Charges!

ICSSI – May the 3rd  2013 The legal case against the trade unionist and human rights defender, Hassan Juma Awad has been postponed yet again, this time to May 19th  2013 again because the South Oil Company [SOC] lawyer failed to present any evidence or witnesses. During Yesterday’s hearing the Basra court judge asked again […]

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In Iraqi Kurdistan Those Who Murder Women Go Free

“There is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel. And we are here for the long haul.” – Hoda Elsadda Zhiyan group representatives are never satisfied; they never rest when it comes to women’s issues. Last week they had a press conference to release results of a study about the impact of the […]

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Meet Me in Hasankeyf: Culture, People and Politics in Hasankeyf

After our session on global solidarity against water grabs, I headed to south east Turkey, to the region where the GAP project is being implemented to attend the Hasankeyf Ingathering and explore this ancient city under threat of being engulfed by the Tigris river and with it, to wash away its ancient history and the […]

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Journalists in Iraq risk their lives and “Journalists Rights Law” needs amendments

On the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, the head of the UN mission in Iraq Martin Kobler reported in a statement that the year 2012 witnessed the killing of five Iraqi journalists and recorded (50) cases of violence against media in Iraq, pointing out that “Journalists in this country risk their lives to […]

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Women Groups in Suleimaniya Demand an End to the Patriarchal System

“Darperwary bo Mamosta Sakar” –Justice for Mamosta Sakar Last week, on Monday, April 22nd, women groups demonstrated in front of Suleimaniya Court. They were protesting the release of Mamosta Sakar’s father. In a controversial case well know to the media and to most people in Kurdistan, the case of Mamosta Sakar has become an icon […]

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Iraqi and International NGOs Appeal for Justice in the Case of Jalal Dhiab

ICSSI joins the call for justice from local and International Organizations in iraq. We join the call from IKV Pax Christi and local NGO’s below in strongly condemning the assassination of Jalal Dhiab, director of the ‘Ansar al-Huriyya’ association, which took place in al-Zubayr, Basra province, on Friday 26 April. We also join the call upon the […]

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Women Rights Activists in Kurdistan: March 8th-No for Bargaining on Women’s Rights

More than 150 activists and members of civil society gathered for March 8th Celebration in Suleimaniya under the slogan of “No for bargaining on the women`s rights and issues”.   Demands of Zhiyan Group on the March 8th, International Women`s Day  To: The citizens, public opinion, media, civil society, political parties, and all concerned parties. […]

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Latest News from Unions Supporting Workers Rights in Iraq

Latest video about Hassan Juma’a from USLAW  More and more people are signing the letter and writing about workers rights violations in Iraq. Here are some of the resolutions and news that we found online in solidarity with Hassan Juma: Plumbers, Steamfitters and Refrigeration Fitters- UA Local Union California Resolution in Support of Labor Rights […]

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Rising Violence in Iraq Spurs Fears of New Sectarian War

From The New York Times April 25th, 2013 By Tim Arango BAGHDAD — In what appeared to be a new phase in an intensifying conflict that has raised fears of greater bloodshed and a wider sectarian war, Iraqi soldiers opened fire from helicopters on Sunni gunmen hiding in a northern village on Wednesday, officials said. […]

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A common story between Chibayish and Hasankeyf

By Nawras Al-Shabani Translated by Taif Alwachi One of the kids began drawing his portrait, and bestowed it with bright colors, childhood innocence, and the beauty of nature surrounding him. He made it a speaking portrait, especially after he wrote a phrase in Turkish at its center. I did not know it’s meaning until his […]

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