Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


Press Freedom Advocacy Association participates in drafting the recommendations of freedom of expression in the Middle East and North Africa region

14 Dec. 2013 The Press Freedom Advocacy Association participated in the conference of the Middle East and North Africa region and the Group of Eight (Bmena), which was held in the capital of Jordan, Amman last week. During the past few days, the conference has discussed many themes related to the freedom of expression, such […]

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Anti-corruption Kurdish journalist Kawa Garmyani murdered and protests in Sulaymaniyah to protect Journalists!

December 6, 2013 Source: KT News South Kurdistan journalist Kawa Garmyani was shot dead outside his house in Kalar last night.  Three days ago Kawa had announced on his Facebook page that he had documents relating to a corruption case that he was planning to write about in ‘Rayal’ magazine. Kawa was the editor of ‘Rayal’ […]

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Journalists in Mosul – Killings, threats and disability of official organs

Iraq – 7/12/2013 The latest events connected with journalistic work in Ninewa province for the last three months of this year proved that it is the most dangerous town on the lives of journalists and the greatest challenge among Iraqi provinces. The office of the Iraqi Journalists’ Rights Association Defence  pointed out the violent actions […]

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Campaign of solidarity with the Yazidis students at the University of Mosul

Campaign of solidarity with the Yazidis students at the University of Mosul – Iraq to stand against the threats of the extremist political Islam forces Issued by: Urbanism Campaigns The objective of the campaign: Religious and national minorities Date: 01/12/2013 Directed to: The Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government and the province of Mosul About the campaign: It […]

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Efforts to impose Sharia law in Iraq spark controversy!

AUTHOR: Ali Mamouri By: Al-Monitor November 28, 2013 Attempts to establish Sharia law in Iraq have exacerbated political rifts in a country torn by those advocating secularism and those calling for an Islamic state. Iraqi Justice Minister Hassan al-Shammari announced Oct. 23 that he had prepared a Sharia-based personal-status law and submitted it to the cabinet for approval and referral to the Council of […]

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The Military and Security Company “G4S” should leave Basra, Iraqi working sites should be protected by responsible and accountable public security

 It should not be a passing accident the protest by a group of Iraqi workers against the actions of the British security company member “G4S”, this protest should be non-stop with emphasis on the basis of the problem, which has moved the Iraqi’s emotions in general for a long time which is the presence of […]

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Is the passage of the amending law of the elections law will give signs for political change in Iraq?

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) – November 2013 As the elections season approaching, and will take place on the 30th of April, 2014 after long disputes between the political blocs which have represented a major political crisis, the Iraqi parliament approved a law to amend the election law of the House of Representatives. […]

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Multimedia material, Iraqi Social Forum 2013

Videos recorded while streaming some Iraqi Social Forum sessions: – day 26 Sep – day 27 Sep – day 28 Sep Videos of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Iraqi Social Forum: 1. Opening Ceremony Iraqi Social Forum_Un Ponte Per Part 1  2. Opening Ceremony Iraqi Social Forum_Un Ponte Per Part […]

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The Iraqi Social Forum was a success!

The first Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) took place in Baghdad, from the 26th to the 28th of September 2013. It was the first large gathering in Iraq based upon the World Social Forum Charter of Principles and, with more than 3000 participants, it was the largest national social forum ever in the Arab World. The […]

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Journalist under threat in Basra .. And others targeted in Mosul

Baghdad/ 29Oct 2013   Correspondent “Faiha ” channel in Basra colleague Ahmed Abdul Samad threat of physical liquidation, of unknown persons, unless he leave his job and his province, with exposure to a reporter to an assassination attempt in Mosul.  Abdul Samad said to the Press Freedom Advocacy Association, he received the first telephone threat last Thursday, […]

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Iraq’s Oil Police

MONDAY, 16 SEPTEMBER 2013 NICOLAI DUE-GUNDERSEN It has been a decade since the United States (US) led the invasion of Iraq. Subsequent years of war and conflict have left Baghdad one of the most dangerous places on Earth. Nonetheless, Iraqi oil is still a very profitable business. Iraq has the world’s fifth largest proven reserves […]

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Road blockade by inhabitants of Hasankeyf against ILISU Dam

The Inhabitants of the antique city Hasankeyf have blocked the main road through their city in order to protest the Ilisu Dam Project and especially the resettlement process. The road connects the provincial capital Batman with the cities Midyat, Cizre and the Iraqi border and is intensively used. More than 500 people gathered on the […]

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