Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is dedicated to bringing together Iraqi and international civil societies through concrete actions to build together another Iraq, with peace and Human Rights for all.


People with Disabilities Face Election Barriers

HRW People with disabilities in Iraq are facing significant obstacles to participating in upcoming parliamentary elections on October 10, 2021, due to discriminatory legislation and inaccessible polling places, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Without urgent changes, hundreds of thousands of people may not be able to vote. The 36-page report, “‘No One Represents Us’: […]

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The Minorities and Cultural Diversity Path in the Iraqi Social Forum Conducts Training for a Group of Young Activists

On the ninth of September 2021, the Iraqi Social Forum’s Minorities and Cultural Diversity Path conducted training on social diversity and ethnic minorities in Iraq. The training lasted for five hours, from ten in the morning until three in the afternoon, at Info Center organization for Research and Development. Eight activists, female activists, and volunteers: […]

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Shams Network Report on International Monitoring of Parliament Elections

International Standards for Monitoring Elections The presence and participation of specialized and local international observers, and the evaluation of all aspects of the electoral process in countries is of high importance to create a conducive environment for holding elections and a guarantee of assistance in providing political support and the participation of all the different […]

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Shams Network Report to Monitor the Elections of Parliament Cancellation of Voting for Iraqi Residents Abroad

Background on monitoring Iraq’s 2021 parliamentary elections Since 2005, Iraq has had several electoral experiments and Shams network has played an active role in monitoring the elections as one of the most prominent institutions of Iraqi civil society and its contribution to supporting the transparency and integrity of the elections through the monitoring programs and […]

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The Education Path in the Iraqi Social Forum and UFUQ Organization for Development are Implementing a Discussion Session on Distance Education in Light of the Corona Virus Pandemic

The education path in the Iraqi Social Forum and UGUQ Organization for Development was implemented on the eighth of September 2021, through the Zoom application, an online discussion session on (distance education in light of the Corona Virus pandemic). Where fourteen activists and academics interested in education issues in Iraq participated in it to discuss […]

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The Iraqi Social Forum Conducts a Training on the Concept of Voluntary Work

Presented to the Volunteers of the Forum and the Marathon On the 27th of August 2021, at IQ Peace Center, the Iraqi Social Forum conducted a training on the concept of voluntary work for a number of the female and male volunteers within the space of the forum and Sport Against Violence Organization, coinciding with […]

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My Name is My Mother’s, Campaign for Thousands of Children

kirkuknow A campaign is launched by non-governmental organizations in order to register children under the names of their mothers instead of fathers in order to get IDs and lead a normal life. The campaign has been launched on December 25th, 2018 by civic activists, law consultants, and female members of the Iraqi parliament yet it […]

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Iraqi Social Forum Conducts a Digital Security Training for a Group of Activists in the Iraqi Social Forums

On the 25th -26th of August 2021, the Iraqi Social Forum conducted a digital training via the “Jitsi” application about digital security and protection, in which 15 female and male activists from the Iraqi Social Forums and a number of the organizations of the forum participated for the purpose of developing their capacities at digital […]

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The Iraq Report: Baghdad Hosts Regional Summit to Paper Over Domestic Woes

THE NEW ARAB In an attempt to promote Iraq as the neutral ground from which regional rivals can hash out agreements – a new Middle Eastern Switzerland – Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi hosted a regional summit with French involvement last Saturday in Baghdad that brought together foes Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as Turkey, Qatar, the UAE, Jordan, […]

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Joint Statement Condemning the Turkish Military Bombings on Civilian Areas in Sinjar

CPT Earlier this month, the Turkish Armed Forces twice made attacks on civilian areas in Shengal (Sinjar), Iraq, killing 4 civilians and injuring at least 13 more. Shengal is the Yezidi territory that ISIS brutally attacked and controlled after the security forces fled the area in 2014. The Sinjar Resistance Units (YBŞ), whose members are […]

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October Protestors Displaced to Erbil: Some People Sold Us to the Parties in the Power

Since October 1, 2019, nearly two years ago, young Iraqis have taken to the streets and asked the government to provide basic services for citizens. It all began in Tahrir square in the middle of Baghdad and soon the uprising spread in most of the central and southern provinces. With the support of most Iraqi, the […]

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Iraq: GCHR’s 17th Periodic Report on Human Rights Violations in Iraq

GCHR Introduction This is the seventeenth report of the Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR) which covers the reality of human rights violations in Iraq. The report highlights the assassinations, bombings, prosecution of activists, restrictions on the media, attacks against prominent demonstrators and other peaceful citizens, and the continuous targeting of civil society workers and […]

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